Raising a Compassionate Child

Parenting is a tough course to navigate. You want to raise a child that is kind, intelligent, and self-sufficient, but it’s tough to be sure you’re doing everything right. Compassion is a trait you want to teach your children. So, how can you raise a compassionate child?
Be a Good Role Model
When you’re a compassionate person, your children witness kind and positive behavior. Of course, it’s difficult to control yourself when a waiter spills hot coffee down your lap; however, it’s a mistake, so be kind. Show the child that sort of accident isn’t something to get excited about. Instead, show the waiter compassion and understand it was a mistake.
It reflects positively on the child, and they are likely to model that behavior too.
Police your Behavior
Let’s say you lose your temper and snap at a family member or friend. It’s an emotional situation, but you must be consistent to raise a compassionate child. So, apologize to the person you yelled at. It’s a good way to show consistency to the child.
Praise People When It’s Needed
It’s important to praise children and those around you. For example, it’s Christmas and you’ve been invited to a family dinner. If you’ve enjoyed the meal, ask your child if they have too, then praise the person who cooked it. It’s a useful way to show your compassion to others and teach your children to do the same.
While it’s praise for something trivial, it shows kindness and will be something the child remembers.
You Must Encourage the Child to Empathize with Others
Empathy is not something all children understand or have. It is learned and you can teach them about empathy. You could ask the child their feelings about their favorite TV shows. It can be a useful way to encourage a child to understand empathy.
Reward Children’s Kind Behaviors
When a child shows their compassionate side, it should be praised. It lets the child know they have done something good and encourages them to do the same in the future. Of course, you don’t need to be over the top in your praise, otherwise, the child may seek that sort of attention all the time. Instead, highlight the good deed by saying how proud you are of them.
Use Literature to Expand the Views of the Child
It’s important to teach children to be compassionate throughout their developmental years. You want to ensure they understand compassion and empathy towards others. So, use age-appropriate literature to teach them. It’s a great way to expand the view of the child and teach them things they may not fully understand yet.
Solve the Issue Before Jumping to Punishment
When a child acts out your first instinct is to punish them. While some instances do call for punishment, you could try a new angle first. If you can solve the issues of why the child acts out, it could help defuse the situation. It shows the child compassion and may help them to understand the needs of others.
Let the Child Express Negative Emotions in a Healthy Manner
When a child gets angry or sad, they often express those feelings negatively. So, the child must find a healthy outlet for their emotions.
Talk to the child about emotions and let them know it’s not okay to violently act out. Instead, encourage self-restraint and calmness.
Without Tolerance or Respect, Children will Never Show Compassion
People are different. Some have different beliefs, cultures, and skin colors; children need to understand what it means to respect everyone. So, you need to teach your children about tolerance. You need to be that positive influence so that the child follows your example.
Teach Good Manners
Encourage your children to work on their manners. Far too many children aren’t respectful because they haven’t been taught good manners, so it’s your job to do it. Good manners cost nothing but make a child a more compassionate person.
The Good Role Model for Compassionate Children
You do your best to raise a compassionate child, but it isn’t always easy. There will be times when the child acts out, reacts negatively, and isn’t polite to guests. You can, however, teach them about kindness and compassion. Be a good role model and find positive outlets for the child’s feelings, so they can become a better person.