Pokemon Go Zacian Raid Guide: Best Counters, Weaknesses and Moveset

As the world of Pokemon Go continues to expand, trainers everywhere have been challenged to battle and capture powerful new Pokemon on their quest to become the ultimate trainer. One of those new challenges is the legendary Zacian, making its appearance in raids. This mighty warrior not only looks formidable but packs a powerful punch, making it a worthy addition to any trainer’s collection. In this article, we will provide in-depth information on Zacian’s counters, weaknesses, and moveset to help you conquer this powerful Raid Boss.
When facing off against Zacian in a raid, it’s essential to select your team carefully. As a Fairy/Steel-type Pokemon, Zacian is weak against Ground, Fire, and Fighting types. Here are some of the most effective counters to use against
1. Lucario – With its Fighting/Steel typing and access to powerful Fighting-type moves like Counter and Aura Sphere or Close Combat, Lucario is an excellent choice for toppling Zacian.
2. Excadrill – This Ground/Steel-type Pokemon can dish out serious damage with its high Attack stat and strong moveset featuring Mud-Slap and Drill Run or Earthquake.
3. Conkeldurr – Conkeldurr’s high Attack combined with its Fighting typing allows it to strike hard with moves like Counter and Dynamic Punch or Focus Blast.
4. Chandelure- The Ghost/Fire type is an excellent choice as well since it resists Fairy-type moves while hitting hard with Fire Spin and Overheat or Shadow Ball.
5. Groudon – The legendary Ground type can take advantage of its strong STAB moves like Mud Shot and Earthquake to inflict serious damage on Zacian.
6. Blaziken- This Fire/Fighting powerhouse can capitalize on both weaknesses with kicks from Blaze Kick or Flare Blitz and Focus Blast.
As mentioned earlier, Zacian’s dual typing of Fairy and Steel leaves it vulnerable to three types:
1. Ground – Zacian takes 2x damage from Ground-type moves.
2. Fire – Similarly, it is weak to Fire-type moves and takes 2x damage from them.
3. Fighting – Finally, Fighting-type attacks hit Zacian hard with double damage.
Zacian’s moveset consists of various attacks that utilize its dual typing and high Attack stat:
1. Fast Moves:
– Metal Claw (Steel)
– Quick Attack (Normal)
2. Charge Moves:
– Close Combat (Fighting)
– Iron Head (Steel)
– Play Rough (Fairy)
To stand the best chance of beating Zacian in a raid, be prepared for these moves and choose your counters accordingly.
Successfully capturing Zacian in Pokemon Go is no easy feat, but with the right team selection and understanding of its weaknesses and moveset, you’ll be on track to add this legendary Raid Boss to your collection. Remember to focus on exploiting its weaknesses with Ground, Fire, and Fighting types while dodging its powerful moves during battle.
Happy hunting, trainers!