Pokemon Go Nihilego Raid Guide: Best Counters, Weaknesses and More Tips

In the world of Pokemon Go, raids are an essential part of the gameplay experience. And with new Pokémon being released, trainers are constantly looking for ways to optimize their lineups and strategies. In this article, we’ll be discussing the highly anticipated Nihilego raid, detailing its weaknesses, best counters and offering some useful tips for emerging victorious.
Nihilego is a Rock/Poison-type Pokemon that originated in the Alola region from Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon games. As a member of the Ultra Beast species, Nihilego possesses extraordinary abilities, making it a formidable opponent in raids.
Being a Rock/Poison-type Pokémon, Nihilgeo is vulnerable to certain types of attacks. Understanding these weaknesses will significantly improve your success rate during raids. Nihilego’s primary weaknesses include:
1. Psychic-Type Attacks
2. Ground-Type Attacks
3. Water-Type Attacks
4. Steel-Type Attacks
Best Counters:
To maximize your chances of defeating Nihilego in a raid, bring along Pokémon that exploit these weaknesses with their powerful movesets. Here’s a list of some ideal counters to consider:
1. Mewtwo: Use Mewtwo with its Confusion and Psystrike moveset for an effective Psychic-type assault.
2. Metagross: This Steel/Psychic-type Pokémon can deal massive damage with its Meteor Mash and Zen Headbutt moveset.
3. Garchomp: Utilizing Mud Shot and Earthquake allows Garchomp to serve as an excellent Ground-type counter.
4. Swampert: Take advantage of its Water/Ground typing by using Mud Shot and Hydro Cannon for effective offense.
5. Empoleon: The Water/Steel Empoleon deals considerable damage with Metal Claw and Hydro Cannon.
6. Alakazam: Opt for the Psychic Pokémon, Alakazam with Confusion and Psychic moveset.
Additional Tips:
– Assemble a balanced team of high-level Pokémon that exploit Nihilego’s weaknesses with their STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) moves.
– Keep an eye on Nihilego’s charged moves and be prepared to dodge when necessary to minimize damage intake.
– Coordinate with fellow trainers to maximize DPS on Nihilego throughout the raid, as teamwork is essential for toppling strong opponents.
– Use fast TMs or charged TMs to optimize your Pokémon’s movesets before the raid begins.
Incorporate these tips, and selecting the right team will significantly improve your chances of defeating Nihilego in Pokemon Go. As you further hone your skills and strategies, you’ll soon be a skilled trainer capable of taking down even the toughest Ultra Beasts. Good luck, and happy hunting!