Pokemon Go Mega Manectric Raid Guide: Best Counters, Weaknesses and Moveset

Pokemon Go is a popular augmented reality game that has attracted fans worldwide. One of its primary focuses is on battling and collection powerful Pokemon, with Mega Manectric being one such creature. This Electric-type Pokemon boasts impressive stats, especially when engaging in Raids. This article will serve as a guide to mastering the Mega Manectric Raid by exploring its best counters, weaknesses, and movesets.
Best Counters for Mega Manectric Raid
1. Garchomp: As a Ground-type and Dragon-type Pokemon, Garchomp is an excellent counter to Mega Manectric due to its immunity against Electric moves. Use Mud Shot as your fast move and Earthquake as your charged move for maximum effectiveness.
2. Rhyperior: This Ground/Rock-type Pokemon offers resistance against Electric movement and can deal considerable damage in counterattacks. Utilize Mud Slap as your fast move and Earthquake as your charged move for optimal results.
3. Landorus (Therian forme): Landorus in its Therian forme is an exceptional choice for fighting Mega Manectric due to its Ground/Flying typing. It resists Electric attacks while boasting a powerful moveset of Mud Shot as the fast move and Earth Power as the charged move.
4. Excadrill: This Ground/Steel Pokemon possesses heightened resistance against Electric moves while wreaking havoc with a devastating arsenal of moves. Use Mud Slap for your fast move, accompanied by Drill Run for the charged move.
Weaknesses of Mega Manectric
As an Electric-type Pokemon, Mega Manectric’s primary weakness is Ground-type moves. Hence, focusing on employing powerful Ground-type attackers during Raids is the key to success.
Moveset of Mega Manectric
Here are the possible fast moves and charged moves that Mega Manectric could have:
Fast Moves:
1. Charge Beam (Electric)
2. Snarl (Dark)
Charged Moves:
1. Wild Charge (Electric)
2. Flamethrower (Fire)
3. Thunderbolt (Electric)
4. Crunch (Dark)
When battling against Mega Manectric, be wary of moves such as Wild Charge and Thunderbolt, which can deal significant damage.
In conclusion, Mega Manectric is a formidable opponent in Pokemon Go raids, but with the right knowledge and approach, players can successfully defeat it. By focusing on Ground-types as counters and exploiting Mega Manectric’s weaknesses, you can add this powerful Electric-type Pokemon to your collection.