Pokemon Go May Community Day Guide: Alolan Geodude, Bonuses and More

The widely popular mobile game Pokémon Go continues to excite players with its regular Community Day events, offering a fun day each month to catch featured Pokémon, earn bonuses, and engage with the community. For May 2021, the spotlight is on Alolan Geodude, a dual-type Rock/Electric Pokémon from the tropical Alola region. Without further ado, let’s dive into what you can expect this Community Day.
– Event Date: May 15th
– Featured Pokémon: Alolan Geodude
– Exclusive Move: Thunder Punch (for evolved Alolan Golem)
– Bonuses: 3x Catch Stardust, 3-hour Lure Modules
– Event Hours: 11 am to 5 pm local time
Alolan Geodude:
This special variant of the Geodude family hails from the sunny Alola region. Both its Rock and Electric typing make it a unique choice for use in battles and competitive play. Throughout Community Day, you can expect increased chances of encountering both normal and shiny Alolan Geodudes in the wild. Additionally, if you evolve an Alolan Graveler into an Alolan Golem during the event hours or up to two hours after (by 7 pm), it will learn its exclusive move, Thunder Punch.
During this Community Day event, trainers will be able to enjoy several bonuses as well. The first advantage is a boost in Stardust earnings; catching any Pokémon during the event hours will provide three times the usual Stardust reward. To stack up even more Stardust, be sure to use Star Pieces for additional bonuses.
Players will also benefit from three-hour Lure Modules during this time period — great for attracting more Pokémon at PokéStops and Gyms. If you desire even more of a particular type of Pokémon, consider using Incense or special themed Lures for an even more focused hunting approach.
Tips and Strategies:
– Save Pinap Berries leading up to Community Day; use them during the event for additional Candy while catching your Alolan Geodudes.
– Coordinate with friends and local players in your area to drop Lure Modules at various locations for optimal coverage.
– Remember that the exclusive move, Thunder Punch, is only obtainable if you evolve Alolan Graveler to Alolan Golem during or within two hours after the event.
– Shiny Pokémon are prized by fans, so focus your attention on trying to catch extra Shiny Alolan Geodude.
Pokémon Go’s May Community Day promises excitement for both first-time and experienced trainers. With increased chances of discovering Alolan Geodude — including the coveted shiny variant — everyone has a chance to participate in this event. Enjoy your day out, make use of the available bonuses, and expand your collection. Have fun catching ’em all on this special day!