Pokemon Go Landorus Raid Guide: Best Counters, Weaknesses and Moveset

In the world of Pokemon Go, raids are an integral part of the game that allows players to battle powerful creatures and earn exciting rewards. One such raid features Landorus, a legendary ground and flying-type Pokemon. Known for its strength and prowess, Landorus can be a formidable opponent. In this guide, we will reveal the best counters, weaknesses, and movesets for Landorus to assist trainers in defeating it.
Landorus is a dual type Pokemon – Ground/Flying, which makes it weak to Ice-type moves, being 4x weak against them. Aside from Ice types, it is also weak against traditional Water-type moves. Keep these weaknesses in mind when selecting the ideal counters for a Landorus raid.
Best Counters
1. Mamoswine: With its strong Ice-type moves like Powder Snow and Avalanche, Mamoswine is one of the most impactful counters against Landorus. Its ground typing provides immunity to electric moves that Landorus potentially has in its arsenal.
2. Weavile: Boasting exceptional speed and damage output with Ice Shard and Avalanche moveset, Weavile is another highly effective counter for taking down Landorus. However, be mindful of its fragile defenses.
3. Galarian Darmanitan: This mighty Ice-type attacker with fast move Ice Fang and charged move Avalanche can deal immense damage to Landorus in a short period. As a pure ice type though, it is more susceptible to rock or steel moves that Landorus may use.
4. Kyurem: This dragon/ice type legendary Pokemon also has impressive strength using Dragon Breath / Icy Wind or Dragon Breath / Blizzard as movesets making it useful for battling Landorus.
5. Jynx: While more on the fragile side compared to other counters listed here, Jynx can still pack a punch against Landorus with Frost Breath and Avalanche moveset.
6. Swampert: For trainers who don’t have access to strong ice types or looking for a water type alternative, Swampert is an effective counter against Landorus with its Mud Shot and Hydro Cannon moveset.
Landorus Moveset
Landorus possesses a variety of powerful movesets, making it vital to prepare for all possibilities. Here are the potential moves that Landorus can have:
Fast Moves:
– Mud Shot (Ground)
– Extrasensory (Psychic)
Charged Moves:
– Earth Power (Ground)
– Stone Edge (Rock)
– Outrage (Dragon)
– Hyper Beam (Normal)
In conclusion, to successfully defeat Landorus in Pokemon Go, trainers must utilize the appropriate counters and take advantage of its weaknesses. By employing the suggested counters and strategic planning, conquering the fierce Landorus raid should become an achievable task. Good luck, trainers!