Pokemon Go June Community Day: Deino, Event Move, Bonuses and More

Pokémon Go’s June Community Day is shaping up to be an exciting event for trainers around the globe. This month, players can look forward to catching the elusive Deino and enjoy various event-specific bonuses and perks. In this article, we’ll give you a sneak peek into what’s in store for you during this engaging Pokémon Go event.
Deino Takes the Spotlight:
The star of the June Community Day is none other than Deino, the Dark/Dragon-type Pokémon first introduced in the fifth generation. This popular and rare Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild throughout the event, giving trainers ample opportunities to catch it, as well as its evolved forms Zweilous and Hydreigon.
Exclusive Event Move:
Trainers who evolve a Zweilous into a Hydreigon during the June Community Day (or up to two hours after it ends) will be rewarded with a powerful exclusive move. While this move has not yet been officially announced, it is speculated to significantly enhance Hydreigon’s battling capabilities.
Bonuses and More:
There’s more to this Community Day than just snagging Deinos! Throughout the event, trainers will enjoy several bonuses to enhance their gameplay experience:
1. 3x Catch Stardust – During the event, stardust gained from catching Pokémon will be tripled.
2. Incense Duration – Incense activated during Community Day will last for three hours instead of the usual one hour.
3. Lure Module Extension – Lure modules placed on PokéStops during the event will also have an extended duration of three hours.
4. Special Research Story – A unique Special Research story involving Deino will be available for purchase in the in-game store with real currency or in-game coins.
Community Day Box:
To aid trainers in their quest to catch Deinos and make the most of the bonuses, a one-time purchase Community Day Box will be available in the in-game store. This handy box will include useful items such as elite charged TMs, incense, lucky eggs, and more.
Participate in Pokémon Go June Community Day:
The Pokémon Go June Community Day is a fantastic opportunity for trainers to catch the elusive Deino, enjoy helpful bonuses, and engage with fellow trainers. The event will take place on June XX from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM (local time), giving you plenty of time to take advantage of everything it has to offer. Be sure to mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable day of catching Pokémon and making memories with friends!