Pokemon Go Heatran guide: Best counters, weaknesses and moves

Heatran, the Lava Dome Pokémon, has made a fiery entrance into Pokémon Go! This legendary Fire/Steel-type creature packs quite a punch, so trainers striving to add this powerful Pokémon to their collection should be well-prepared. In this guide, we will cover Heatran’s best counters, weaknesses, and moves to help you triumph in your battles.
As a Fire/Steel-type Pokémon, Heatran is particularly vulnerable to Ground-type moves primarily due to its double weakness. Additionally, it is weak against Water and Fighting moves. Keep this in mind when assembling your team of counters.
Best Counters:
1. Groudon: The resident behemoth of the Ground-types, Groudon is an ideal counter for Heatran. With powerful moves like Mud Shot and Earthquake under its belt, Groudon can quickly deplete Heatran’s HP.
2. Rhyperior: This Rock/Ground-type monster has access to two excellent Ground-type moves – Mud Slap and Earthquake – which can inflict massive damage on Heatran.
3. Swampert: Boasting both Water and Ground-typing, Swampert can exploit Heatran’s weaknesses with effectiveness. Opt for Mud Shot as a fast move and pair it with Hydro Cannon for maximum damage output.
4. Excadrill: With its high attack stat and access to potent moves like Mud Slap (Fast) and Drill Run (Charged), Excadrill is another top counter for battling Heatran.
5. Machamp: Representing the Fighting-type counters, Machamp is a reliable choice foŕ trainers who lack strong Ground or Water-types. Utilize its Counter (Fast) and Dynamic Punch (Charged) moveset for best results.
6. Conkeldurr: Wielding powerful Fighting-type moves like Counter (Fast) and Dynamic Punch (Charged), Conkeldurr can hold its own against the fiery adversary that is Heatran.
Heatran’s Moves:
Heatran has access to several powerful moves that trainers will need to prepare for during battle. For fast moves, Heatran may wield Fire Spin or Bug Bite. As for charged moves, your potential foe can use Flamethrower, Iron Head, Stone Edge, or Earth Power.
Tips for a Successful Raid:
– Assemble a team of Ground-type Pokémon, followed by strong Water and Fighting types if necessary.
– Aim to dodge Heatran’s charged moves – particularly Earth Power, which is super effective against several of its counters.
– Participate in raid battles with as many trainers as possible to increase your odds of success.
Now that you’re armed with knowledge on Heatran’s best counters, weaknesses, and moves, it’s time to gather your fellow trainers and head out into the world of Pokémon Go. Good luck in your quest to catch this legendary Fire/Steel-type Pokémon!