Pokemon Go Dialga Raid Guide: Best Counters, Weaknesses and Moveset

Pokemon Go has always kept its players engaged with numerous raids and challenges. One such raid features the legendary Dialga. This powerful Dragon and Steel-type Pokemon is a fan-favorite, and trainers aim to add it to their collection. This article serves as a guide to help you conquer the Dialga Raid by discussing its weaknesses, moveset, and best counters.
Dialga’s Weaknesses:
As a dual Dragon and Steel-type Pokemon, Dialga has a few specific weaknesses. It takes double damage from Fighting and Ground-type moves, while being vulnerable to quadruple damage from powerful Fairy-type moves. By using these types of Pokemon against Dialga, you can effectively exploit its weaknesses.
Dialga’s Moveset:
Dialga’s potential Fast Moves are:
1. Dragon Breath (Dragon-type)
2. Metal Claw (Steel-type)
As for its Charge Moves, Dialga could carry the following:
1. Draco Meteor (Dragon-type)
2. Iron Head (Steel-type)
3. Thunder (Electric-type)
Therefore, it’s essential to have Pokemon that can deal strong damage against these types of moves while resisting or taking less damage in return.
Top Counters for Dialga Raid:
Here are some of the best counters to consider when facing Dialga in a raid:
1. Lucario: This Fighting/Steel-type Pokemon is an excellent choice to counter Dialga’s Steel moves with its powerful Fighting moves. Lucario resists Steel-type attacks and can use Counter paired with Aura Sphere or Close Combat to dish out significant damage.
2. Garchomp: As a Dragon/Ground-type Pokemon, Garchomp holds the advantage with both STAB Earthquake and access to Dragon moves like Outrage or Dragon Tail for solid damage output while resisting Electric moves from Dialga.
3. Excadrill: Being a Ground/Steel-type, Excadrill’s potent Mud-Slap or Drill Run moves make it an effective counter to Dialga. Its Steel typing also grants resistances to Dragon moves.
4. Rhyperior: This Ground/Rock-type Pokemon has access to two effective moves against Dialga – Mud-Slap and Earthquake, which capitalize on its weakness to Ground-type attacks.
5. Conkeldurr: As another strong Fighting-type Pokemon, Conkeldurr dishes out significant damage with Counter and Dynamic Punch, taking down Dialga’s defenses efficiently.
6. Togekiss: Fairy/Flying Togekiss has an advantage over Dialga because it can utilize its powerful Charm and Dazzling Gleam moves to maximize damage while resisting Dragon-type moves from Dialga.
By exploiting Dialga’s weaknesses and optimizing your lineup with the best counters, you should have no trouble defeating this legendary Pokemon in a raid. Keep in mind that teamwork and quick reactions play significant roles in conquering the raid battles. Good luck, trainers, and happy hunting!