Pokemon Go Buzzwole Raid Guide: Best Counters and Weaknesses

Pokemon Go has introduced a new legendary raid boss, Buzzwole, into the game. This Ultra Beast is a Bug/Fighting type with immense power and durability, presenting players with an exciting and challenging raid experience. In this article, we will guide you through Buzzwole’s weaknesses, best counters, and strategies to maximize your chances of success in this raid.
Buzzwole’s Weaknesses
Knowing the weaknesses of a raid boss is essential for building your squad of counter Pokemon. Buzzwole’s dual typing makes it weak to certain types of attacks. The key weaknesses are:
1. Flying type moves: Buzzwole’s Bug and Fighting typing makes it doubly weak to Flying-type attacks; these will be highly effective when battling it.
2. Psychic type moves: As a Fighting type Pokemon, Buzzwole is vulnerable to Psychic-type moves.
3. Fire type moves: Due to its Bug typing, Buzzwole takes extra damage from Fire-type moves.
4. Fairy type moves: Fighting types are weak against Fairy-type moves; using them will help you in this battle.
Best Counters for Buzzwole
Considering Buzzwole’s weaknesses, we have curated a list of the best Pokemon counters and their recommended movesets.
1. Moltres (Winged Mirage) – Fast Attack: Wing Attack / Charged Attack: Sky Attack
2. Lugia – Fast Attack: Extrasensory / Charged Attack: Aeroblast
3. Rayquaza – Fast Attack: Air Slash / Charged Attack: Aerial Ace
4. Alakazam – Fast Attack: Confusion / Charged Attack: Psychic or Future Sight
5. Talonflame – Fast Attack: Incinerate / Charged Attack: Brave Bird
6. Togekiss – Fast Attack: Charm / Charged Attack: Dazzling Gleam
These Pokemon will provide you with an optimized lineup for taking on Buzzwole’s powerful moveset. When selecting your Pokemon, you should prioritize Flying-type counters first. Additionally, ensure that your Pokemon have the recommended movesets for the battle.
Raid Battle Strategy
To maximize your chances of successfully completing a Buzzwole raid, keeping some tips in mind.
1. Coordinate with your fellow trainers: Joining up with a group of trainers will make it easier to defeat Buzzwole, as this raid boss has high defense and stamina. A group of 2-4 experienced trainers with optimized lineups should be able to handle this raid.
2. Prioritize healing: Since Buzzwole is known for its high firepower and durability, make sure to have sufficient potions and revives ready to heal your Pokemon during the battle.
Buzzwole presents a thrilling raid challenge for players of Pokemon Go, but by exploiting its key weaknesses and bringing along the right counters, you can emerge victorious. Good luck to all trainers on their journey to capture this mighty Ultra Beast!