Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: How to get fossils

The release of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl for the Nintendo Switch has brought back the excitement of discovering and collecting various Pokémon species in the Sinnoh Region. Among these unique creatures are fossil Pokémon, which can be obtained through the process of reviving ancient fossils. In this article, we will delve into the process of acquiring fossils in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and bring these ancient creatures to life.
Fossil Locations
There are two primary locations where players can find fossils in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl:
1. Underground: The Sinnoh Underground is a large, interconnected subterranean world that can be accessed via Explorer Kit, received from the Underground Man in Eterna City. By participating in mining minigames at the various spots on the walls of underground caves, players have a chance to dig up fossils along with various other valuable items.
2. Route 214: Located near Ruin Maniac’s house, players will find a dig site with different soil colors. Digging up specific patches in this area can yield fossils.
Fossil Types
Here is a list of available fossils and their corresponding prehistoric Pokémon:
1. Armor Fossil (Shieldon) – Exclusive to Brilliant Diamond
2. Skull Fossil (Cranidos) – Exclusive to Shining Pearl
3. Helix Fossil (Omanyte) – Available in both versions
4. Dome Fossil (Kabuto) – Available in both versions
5. Root Fossil (Lileep) – Available in both versions
6. Claw Fossil (Anorith) – Available in both versions
Reviving Fossils
Once you have collected a fossil, take it to the Oreburgh City Museum’s entrance where you’ll find a dedicated scientist who specializes in reviving ancient Pokémon. Hand over the fossil, and the scientist will work their magic, turning the ancient remains into a living, breathing Pokémon that you can add to your team or send to your PC box.
Tips for Fossil Hunting
1. Visit the underground frequently, as that’s where most fossils are found.
2. Spend time in multiple underground areas to increase your chances of encountering different types of fossils.
3. Use Pokémon with moves like Rock Smash and Dig to gain access to various hidden areas and spots containing fossils.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl offer players a chance to dive deep into the prehistoric past by resurrecting long-extinct species through fossil revival. With a little exploration and persistence in hunting for these ancient treasures, players can expand their rosters with unique additions from a time long past. Happy fossil hunting!