Look Up! The 7 Best Bird-Watching Apps for Android

Bird-watching is a fun and engaging hobby that has been around for years. With the advent of technology, you no longer have to rely solely on binoculars and field guides to identify and track different species of birds. There are several apps available on Android that can make bird-watching easier, more educational, and even more fun. Here are the top seven bird-watching apps for Android.
1. Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab
Cornell Lab of Ornithology Group has created this wonderful app. It’s free and is designed to help beginners learn more about different species of birds. All you need to do is answer a few simple questions, and the app will provide you with an identification of the bird you are looking at. It also offers audio recordings of bird songs, range maps, and different images of the bird.
2. Audubon Bird Guide
Audubon Bird Guide is one of the most comprehensive bird-watching apps out there. It contains over 800 species of birds with their detailed descriptions, images, and even their respective range maps. The app also includes audio recordings of bird songs and calls, and it’s free!
3. BirdNET
BirdNET is a unique app that uses machine learning to identify and classify bird songs. This app is excellent for bird-watching in areas where visibility is limited. All you have to do is record the bird songs and calls, and the app will provide you with the name of the bird species.
4. iBird Pro
iBird Pro is a paid app that contains detailed information on over 900 bird species. It features high-quality images, range maps, and bird songs and calls. It also allows you to search for birds based on their location, shape, size, and color.
5. Birding Apps by Field Guides
Field Guides has developed several birding apps, including Birding Peru, Birding Central America, and Birding Colombia. These apps are perfect for bird-watching enthusiasts who are traveling abroad and want to learn about the birds of a specific region.
6. Birding Trail
Birding Trail is an app designed specifically for bird-watching enthusiasts who enjoy exploring different birding trails. It contains over 100 birding trails with detailed descriptions, maps, and images of the different bird species you can find on each trail.
7. BirdsEye
BirdsEye is a bird-watching app that provides you with real-time information on the different bird species in your area. It allows you to create a list of birds you’ve seen and provides you with notifications when rare birds come to your area.
In conclusion, bird-watching apps are a great way to enhance your bird-watching experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced bird-watcher, these apps provide you with a wealth of information about different bird species that you can enjoy on the go. So, download these apps and start exploring the fascinating world of birds!