Language Arts Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love

In our highly competitive economy, employers seek candidates that have strong written communication skills. Although educators know that mastering language arts and writing is essential for future success in college and the workplace, a troubling number of students across K-12 struggle with acquiring these vital skills.
I wholeheartedly recommend language learning apps to all classroom teachers, administrators, math coaches, etc., who are striving to increase their student’s language and writing skills. You won’t be disappointed and no longer will your students complain about writing assignments, they will request them.
Are you looking for language arts apps, tools, and resources that you can use with your students? If so, we have you covered. Check out our list below. Let us know if there are any that we missed.
StudySync ELA – Is a comprehensive English language arts curriculum for students in grades 6-12. The student-centered curriculum connects learning to students’ lives through a diverse library of over 2,000 texts with rich, captivating multimedia resources. With embedded skills lessons, scaffolding, integrated reading and writing assignments, and built-in peer review, students build foundational language and comprehension skills while being instructed toward mastery. Available in print or online, StudySync ELA is designed to meet rigorous academic standards and engage every student, regardless of their native language, learning level, or physical, social, and emotional ability. For more information, go to
Study Island– Study Island is an all-in-one practice website for students to work on language arts and a variety of other academic skills. It is built specifically around state standards, so regardless of your school’s location, you can rest assured that the content and practice provided on the website will align with your classroom teaching. Study Island is a great tool to use for high-stakes testing preparation and provides real-time progress monitoring for teachers and parents. Beyond simple practice, Study Island can also be incorporated into classroom lessons for formative assessment and differentiation. It even allows teachers to import NWEA MAP assessment information for individual students and calculates a targeted learning path to fill in knowledge gaps!
Freckle Education– Students can easily fall in love with school again as this app helps them to learn language arts and various other subjects at their own pace. Teachers can monitor students’ progress across various subjects such as science, social studies, math, and English language arts.
IXL Learning– IXL Learning has been proven to be effective in providing comprehensive, curriculum-based math and English language arts content for kindergarten to grade 12. It also provides an immersive learning experience in science, math, language arts, and social studies for K-12. It produces real results, which is why it is trusted by top teachers and presently used by The Elite 100.
LearnZIllion– LearnZillion is a comprehensive curriculum for math, English, and language arts. It includes resources, analytics, and teaching guides. Individual teachers may use it for free, but a membership fee is required if the app is deployed across a school district. Not only does this app include learning material, but it also offers complimentary and supplemental resources such as videos to supplement the learning experience.
Redbird Language Arts & Writing – Redbird Language Arts & Writing provides students in grades 2-7 with a personalized language arts and writing learning path by leveraging adaptive instruction and practice. This allows the platform to deliver precisely what each student needs to become a fluent writer and master communicator. Each grade level of material contains 9–10 units that focus on a writing or reading skill. The architecture of each lesson was developed to provide students with instruction and practice on reading, parts of speech, paragraph analysis, sentence composition, and sentence structures. All lessons cover new concepts or provide practice with concepts that have already been introduced. In our highly competitive economy, employers seek candidates that have strong written communication skills. Although educators know that mastering language arts and writing is essential for future success in college and the workplace, a troubling number of students across K-12 struggle with acquiring these vital skills.
RoomRecess – RoomRecess is a free learning game app in which students can simply load a game activity and have fun while learning. It is committed to providing children with essential skills that are vital to elementary students and their educational process. This game app was developed by primary school teachers committed to basic education in reading, spelling, language arts, and basic problem-solving.