How to Watch Netflix Online Together With Friends: Methods

The advent of online streaming services has made it possible for people to watch movies and TV shows at their convenience. Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services that offers an extensive library of movies and TV shows for its subscribers. The good news is that you can watch Netflix online together with friends, even if you are not in the same location. Here are some methods for watching Netflix online together with friends.
1. Netflix Party
Netflix Party is a browser extension that allows you to watch Netflix with your friends in real-time. This extension is available for Google Chrome, and it synchronizes your playback with your friends’ playback. All you need is to download the extension, and everyone you want to watch with must also have it installed on their browser. The extension has a chat feature that allows you to chat with your friends while watching the movie or TV show.
2. Teleparty
Teleparty is formerly known as Netflix Party, and the rebranded version supports other streaming services like Hulu, Disney+, and HBO Max. Teleparty allows you to watch Netflix with friends in real-time, and it also synchronizes your playback. You can also chat with your friends while watching the movie or TV show.
3. Zoom or Google Meet
If you do not want to use a browser extension, you can also use video conferencing platforms to watch Netflix online together with friends. Zoom and Google Meet are examples of video conferencing platforms that allow you to share your screen with your friends. You can share your Netflix screen with your friends and allow them to watch the movie or TV show with you. You can also chat or use the platform’s audio feature to discuss the movie or TV show.
4. Discord
Discord is a popular app among gamers, but it can also be used to watch Netflix online together with friends. You can create a server on Discord and invite your friends to join you. Discord has a screen sharing feature that allows you to share your Netflix screen with your friends. You can also chat or use the platform’s audio feature to discuss the movie or TV show.