How to Undo and Redo on a Mac

If you’re a Mac user, you already know that undo and redo commands are essential for getting things done quickly and efficiently. But did you know that there are different ways to undo and redo on a Mac? Here’s a guide to help you master those commands and make your life on a Mac a bit easier.
Undoing an action is one of the most commonly used commands in any application. It’s particularly useful when you make a mistake or accidentally delete something you didn’t intend to. The good news is that undoing an action on a Mac is pretty straightforward.
Method 1: Keyboard Shortcut
The easiest way to undo is to use the keyboard shortcut. Press “Command + Z” and your last action will be undone. If you’ve undone more than one action, you can redo them by pressing “Command + Shift + Z.” This keyboard shortcut works in almost all applications and programs on your Mac.
Method 2: Menu Bar
Another way to undo is through the menu bar. To do this, go to the “Edit” menu at the top left of your screen and select “Undo.” If you want to undo multiple actions in a row, you can keep pressing “Undo” until you’ve gone back as far as you need to.
Method 3: Touchpad or Mouse
If you’re using a laptop, you can also undo via the Touchpad. Place two fingers on the Touchpad and swipe them to the left. This will trigger the “Undo” command, and your last action will be undone. You can also use your mouse to go to the “Edit” menu and select “Undo.”
After you’ve undone something, you might change your mind or realize you made a mistake. That’s when you can redo your previous action. Here’s how to redo on a Mac.
Method 1: Keyboard Shortcut
To redo an action, use the keyboard shortcut “Command + Shift + Z.” This will redo the last command you undid. If you want to redo more than one action, keep pressing the keyboard shortcut until you’ve gone back to where you need to be.
Method 2: Menu Bar
Like with undoing, you can redo an action through the menu bar. Go to the “Edit” menu and click on “Redo.” The last command you undid will be redone.
Method 3: Touchpad or Mouse
If you’re using a laptop, you can use the Touchpad to redo. Place two fingers on the Touchpad and swipe them to the right. This will trigger the “Redo” command, and your last action will be redone. You can also use your mouse to go to the “Edit” menu and select “Redo.”