How to Turn Off Voicemail

As convenient as voicemail can be, sometimes it can become a nuisance when you receive too many messages or just simply don’t want to use it anymore. Fortunately, it’s easy to turn off voicemail if you don’t need it. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of turning off voicemail on various devices and carriers.
How to Turn Off Voicemail on iPhones
If you’re using an iPhone, there are a few steps you’ll need to take in order to turn off voicemail. Here’s how you can do it:
1. Open the Phone app on your iPhone.
2. Tap on the keypad icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.
3. Dial ##002# and then press the call button.
4. Your iPhone should show a message saying that it has successfully deactivated voicemail.
Note: If you’re using an iPhone that’s locked to a specific carrier, you may need to call your carrier in order to turn off voicemail.
How to Turn Off Voicemail on Android Phones
The process of turning off voicemail on Android phones may vary depending on the device you’re using. Here’s a general guide to help you turn off voicemail:
1. Open the Phone app on your Android phone.
2. Tap on the three dots icon in the top right corner of the screen.
3. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
4. Tap on Voicemail.
5. Tap on Advanced Settings.
6. Tap on the toggle switch next to “Call Forwarding” to turn it off.
Note: The above steps may differ depending on the version of Android you’re using.
How to Turn Off Voicemail on AT&T
If you’re an AT&T customer, you can turn off voicemail in the following ways:
1. Use the AT&T voicemail app on your phone to turn off voicemail. You can download the app from the App Store (for iPhones) or the Google Play Store (for Android phones).
2. Call AT&T customer service at 1-800-331-0500 to have them turn off voicemail for you.
3. If you have an AT&T GoPhone, dial 611 from your phone and select “more options.” From there, select “disable voicemail.”
4. You can also log in to your AT&T account online and turn off voicemail from there.
How to Turn Off Voicemail on Verizon
If you’re a Verizon customer, you can use the following methods to turn off voicemail:
1. Dial *73 from your phone and then press the call button.
2. Contact customer service at 1-800-922-0204 and ask for voicemail to be turned off.
3. Log in to your Verizon account online and disable voicemail from there.
Final Thoughts
Turning off voicemail can be a great way to simplify your phone experience and declutter your inbox. Whether you’re using an iPhone, Android phone, or a carrier like AT&T or Verizon, there are a number of ways you can disable voicemail. We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through the process.