How to Turn Off Vibration on Android Devices

Vibrations can be useful to alert you of notifications and incoming calls, but they can also be a nuisance. If you would like to turn off vibrations on your Android device, follow these simple steps.
Step 1: Go to Settings
The first step is to open your device’s settings. You can do this by tapping on the Settings app, which might be located on your home screen or in your app drawer.
Step 2: Select Sound and Vibration
Once you’re in the settings, select the “Sound and vibration” option. This is where you’ll be able to turn off vibrations for various actions on your device.
Step 3: Turn off Vibration for Incoming Calls
If you’re looking to turn off vibration for incoming calls, tap on “Ringtone and vibration.” Here, you’ll see the option to turn off vibration for incoming calls. Simply toggle the switch to the off position, and your device will no longer vibrate when you receive a call.
Step 4: Turn off Vibration for Notifications
If you’d like to turn off vibration for notifications, you’ll need to go back to the “Sound and vibration” section in your settings. From there, select “Notifications.” Here, you’ll see an option to turn off vibration for notifications. Toggle this switch to the off position, and your device will no longer vibrate when you receive notifications.
Step 5: Turn off Vibration for Touch Feedback
Finally, you may also want to turn off vibration for touch feedback. This is the vibration you feel when you tap on your device’s screen. To turn this off, go back to “Sound and vibration” and select “Touch feedback.” From there, you’ll be able to toggle the switch to turn off vibration for touch feedback.
In conclusion, turning off vibrations on your Android device is a simple process that can help you eliminate an unnecessary distraction. Simply follow these steps, and you’ll be vibration-free in no time.