How to Sync Google Calendar With Thunderbird

Google Calendar is a popular digital calendar application that allows users to organize and schedule their events with ease. On the other hand, Thunderbird is an open-source email client and newsreader developed by Mozilla. It is a great alternative to other email clients available in the market. In this article, we will discuss how to sync Google Calendar with Thunderbird and make sure that all your events are always up-to-date.
Step 1: Install Lightning Add-on
Lightning is an add-on for Thunderbird that allows you to manage your calendar from within the email client. If you don’t have it already, you can go to the Thunderbird website, download and install it.
Step 2: Create a new calendar
Once Lightning is installed, you can create a new calendar by going to File > New > Calendar. Select ‘On the Network’ and then click on ‘iCalendar (ICS)’. Next, enter the Google Calendar URL in the location field.
Step 3: Obtain the Google Calendar URL
To get the Google Calendar URL, go to your Google Calendar and click on the three dots next to the calendar you want to sync. Select ‘Settings and sharing’ and scroll down to ‘Integrate calendar’. Copy the link under ‘Public address in iCal format’ by clicking on the ‘Copy’ button.
Step 4: Enter the Calendar URL
In the ‘New Calendar’ window in Thunderbird, paste the URL in the ‘Location’ field. Give your calendar a name and choose a color to differentiate it from your other calendars.
Step 5: Leave the rest to Thunderbird
Thunderbird will automatically sync with your Google Calendar and display all the events in the calendar you just created. Any changes you make in Thunderbird will also be reflected in Google Calendar and vice versa.
In conclusion, syncing Google Calendar with Thunderbird is a simple process that can make organizing your schedule a lot more efficient. By following the above steps, you can keep your calendar up-to-date and accessible from both your email client and Google Calendar. So next time you schedule an appointment, it will automatically show up in both applications – no more double booking or confusion.