How to Subtract Dates in Excel

Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis, and one of the many functions it can perform is date subtraction. Subtracting dates in Excel may seem tricky at first, but with the right formula, it can be a straightforward process. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to subtract dates in Excel.
Step 1: Formatting the Dates
Before we can begin the subtraction process, it is essential to format the dates correctly in Excel. To do this, click on the cell that contains the date and then navigate to the Home tab. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the Number format box and select the Date option. Choose the date format that you want to use and click OK.
Step 2: Creating a Formula
Now that our dates are formatted correctly, we can create a formula to subtract the dates. The formula that we will use is =DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, “unit”), where start_date is the earlier date, end_date is the later date, and unit is the unit of time that we want to measure the difference in, such as “d” for days, “m” for months, or “y” for years.
For example, let’s say we want to find out how many days have passed between the dates 01/01/2022 and 02/28/2022. We would enter the formula =DATEDIF(“01/01/2022”, “02/28/2022”, “d”) into a new cell. The formula will return the answer 58, indicating that 58 days have passed between the two dates.
Step 3: Handling Error Messages
When using the DATEDIF formula, it is essential to ensure that the start_date is earlier than the end_date; otherwise, Excel will return an error message. If you do receive an error message, you can correct it by swapping the dates using a minus sign instead of a plus sign to indicate subtraction.
Another error that you might encounter is the #NUM! error, which occurs when the start_date and end_date parameters are more than 255 days apart. In this case, you can switch the unit parameter to “ym” or “md” to calculate the difference in months or days, respectively.
Subtracting dates in Excel may seem daunting at first, but with the right formula and formatting, it can be a straightforward process. Remember to format your dates correctly, create a formula that uses the DATEDIF function, and handle any error messages that may arise. With these steps in mind, you’ll be sure to get accurate and reliable results when subtracting dates in Excel