How to Set Up a MLA Format in Microsoft Word

MLA, or Modern Language Association, format is widely used in academic writing, particularly in the fields of English and humanities. Being able to set up an MLA format in Microsoft Word is an essential skill for all those who wish to excel in academic writing. In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step process to set up an MLA format in Microsoft Word.
Step 1: Choose the Right Font and Size
The first step to setting up an MLA format in Microsoft Word is selecting the right font and size. The MLA recommends using Times New Roman font in size 12 for all academic papers. You can change the font by selecting it from the Home tab and choosing the required size from the font size dropdown menu.
Step 2: Set the Margins
The next step is to set the margins. The MLA recommends using one-inch margins on all sides of the page. You can set the margins from the Page Layout tab by selecting Margins and choosing the Normal option.
Step 3: Add a Header
An MLA format requires a header that includes your last name and page number. You can easily add a header by selecting the Insert tab and choosing Header. From there, you can select the Blank option and type in your last name followed by a space and then the page number.
Step 4: Add the Title
The title of your paper should be centred at the top of the page. You can easily centre the title by selecting the Home tab, clicking on the centre alignment button, and typing in the title.
Step 5: Add the Works Cited Page
The Works Cited page is an essential component of an MLA formatted academic paper. The Works Cited page should be on a separate page after the conclusion of the paper. You can create a new page by pressing CTRL+Enter. The Works Cited page should be centred at the top of the page, and each entry should be listed in alphabetical order.
Step 6: Format Your Citations
In an MLA format, in-text citations are an essential component of academic papers. Citations must be formatted according to the MLA citation style. For example, if you are citing a book, your citation should include the author’s name, the book title, the publisher, and the publication year.
Setting up an MLA format in Microsoft Word is a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to produce a perfectly formatted academic paper that adheres to the MLA guidelines. A properly formatted paper lends credibility to your work and can help you get better grades. Ensuring that your papers are formatted correctly is a must if you want to succeed in academic writing.