How to See Your Uber or Lyft Passenger Rating

As an Uber or Lyft driver, it’s crucial to maintain a high passenger rating to ensure that you’ll get the most profitable riders. However, as a passenger, you might not be aware that drivers also get to rate you after each ride, and this rating can affect whether or not drivers accept your ride requests in the future.
For these reasons, it’s essential to know your Uber or Lyft passenger rating, so you can make sure you’re being a good passenger and avoid the mistakes that could lower your rating.
Here’s how to see your Uber or Lyft passenger rating:
1. Open the Uber or Lyft app:
Open the app on your smartphone and make sure you’re logged in.
2. Tap on your profile:
In the top left corner of the screen, you will see a profile icon. Tap on it to access your profile.
3. Select “Help” or “Help Center”:
Depending on the app, you may need to select “Help” or “Help Center.”
4. Tap on “Account and Payment”:
In the Help section, you’ll see several categories. Find “Account and Payment” and tap on it.
5. Choose “I have a different issue”:
Scroll down until you see “I have a different issue” and select it. This will allow you to contact Uber or Lyft customer service.
6. Request your rating:
Once you’ve selected “I have a different issue,” a box will pop up, allowing you to type in your issue. Type “Can I know my rider rating?” or something similar, and send the message.
7. Check your rating:
After a few moments, Uber or Lyft will respond to your message, showing you your rating.
Note: Keep in mind that you can only request your rating once every three months. So, it’s essential to make the most of your rating the first time you see it.
Here are some tips to help you maintain a high passenger rating:
1. Be on Time: Make sure you’re ready for your ride when your driver arrives. Canceling rides or making your driver wait for more than five minutes could result in a lower passenger rating.
2. Be Polite: Greet your driver and communicate with them politely during the ride. Avoid aggressive language or any behavior that could be interpreted as threatening.
3. Be Respectful: Be respectful of your driver’s car and belongings. Avoid spilling food, drinks, or smoking without permission. Leaving trash in the car could result in a lower rating.
4. Use the App: Make sure you’re using the app correctly. Confirm the destination address, and avoid requesting rides in areas where it’s difficult for drivers to pick you up.
By following these recommendations, you’ll not only improve your rating but also increase your chances of getting accepted by your preferred drivers. Remember, being an excellent passenger goes beyond just getting a ride; it also helps you build trust and become a highly rated passenger.