How to Read CSV Files With Node.js

CSV (Comma Separated Values) files are among the most commonly used data formats in the technology industry today. The files contain delimited data arranged in rows and columns, making them ideal for storing data and transferring it from one application to another. As a Node.js developer, it’s crucial to know how to read CSV files using Node.js. In this article, we’re going to explore just that.
Step 1: Get the CSV File
Before you can start reading a CSV file using Node.js, you need to have a CSV file. You can create one by opening and saving a spreadsheet application file like Microsoft Excel as a CSV file. You can also download a CSV file from the internet or generate one using your application.
Step 2: Install the CSV-Parser Module
To read CSV files using Node.js, you’ll need to install a module that provides utilities for parsing CSV files. The CSV-parser module is one such module that you can use. You can install it by running the following command from your terminal:
npm install csv-parser
Step 3: Create a Node.js Project
Create a new Node.js project and then create a JavaScript file. The file will hold the code that you’ll use to read the CSV file.
Step 4: Parse the CSV File
The CSV-parser module comes with a method called parse that you can use to parse the CSV file. The method takes two arguments: the first argument is the string file path, and the second argument is an object that contains options for parsing the CSV file.
Before we dive into the code, here are some notable options you can use with the parse method:
– headers: true (set to true to use the first row in the CSV file as column headers)
– delimiter: ‘,’ (specifies the character used to separate columns in the CSV file)
– skip_lines_with_error: true (will skip rows with errors while parsing the CSV file)
– trim: true (trims whitespace characters from values in the CSV file)
Here is an example code snippet that you can use to parse the CSV file:
const fs = require(‘fs’);
const csv = require(‘csv-parser’);
headers: true,
delimiter: ‘,’,
skip_lines_with_error: true,
trim: true
.on(‘data’, (row) => {
.on(‘end’, () => {
console.log(‘CSV file parsed successfully.’);
The code uses Node.js built-in “fs” module to create a readable stream from the CSV file. It passes the stream to the CSV parse method, which parses the CSV data and then emits the “data” event for each row in the CSV file. The code also uses the console.log method to print each row to the console.
Step 5: Handle Errors
When parsing the CSV file, there’s a chance that an error may occur. In this case, the CSV-parser module will emit an “error” event. It’s crucial to handle these errors to avoid unexpected behavior in your application. Here’s an example code snippet that handles the events:
const fs = require(‘fs’);
const csv = require(‘csv-parser’);
headers: true,
delimiter: ‘,’,
skip_lines_with_error: true,
trim: true
.on(‘data’, (row) => {
.on(‘error’, (error) => {
.on(‘end’, () => {
console.log(‘CSV file parsed successfully.’);
The code above adds an error listener to handle errors that may happen while parsing the CSV file.
In this article, we explored how to read CSV files using Node.js. We learned how to install the csv-parser module, parse CSV files, and handle errors. Reading CSV files with Node.js is an essential skill for developers, and now you have the knowledge to do it like a pro.