How to Fix the “unable to resolve host” Error on Linux

If you’re a Linux user, you’ve probably come across the “unable to resolve host” error at some point. This error message typically appears when you try to connect to a host or website using a domain name, but your system is unable to resolve the domain name into an IP address.
There are a few reasons why you might encounter this error. One of the most common is a DNS resolution problem, which means that your system is having trouble querying the DNS server for the IP address associated with the domain name you’re trying to access. Other possible causes of the “unable to resolve host” error include network connectivity issues or problems with your system’s hosts file.
If you’ve run into this error, don’t worry – there are several things you can do to fix it.
1. Check your internet connection
Before you do anything else, make sure that your internet connection is working properly. If you can’t connect to the internet, you won’t be able to resolve any domain names. Ping a website like to check that you have internet connectivity. If it’s successful, move on to the next step.
2. Check your DNS configuration
The next thing to check is your DNS configuration. Usually, your computer will automatically use your internet service provider’s (ISP) DNS server or the DNS server configured on your router. You can verify this by running the following command in the terminal:
cat /etc/resolv.conf
This will show you the DNS servers that are currently configured on your system. If the output of this command doesn’t show any DNS servers, you’ll need to configure your DNS settings manually by editing the resolv.conf file. To do this, run the following command:
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
Add the DNS servers you want to use in the following format:
Save and exit the file, then try resolving the domain name again.
3. Check your hosts file
Another possible cause of the “unable to resolve host” error is a problem with your system’s hosts file. The hosts file contains a list of IP addresses and domain names that your computer uses to resolve domain names locally. If the domain name you’re trying to access is listed in your hosts file with an incorrect IP address, you’ll encounter this error.
To check your hosts file, run the following command:
cat /etc/hosts
This will show you the contents of your hosts file. Make sure that the domain name you’re trying to access is not listed with an incorrect IP address. If you find an incorrect entry, edit the file with a text editor and correct the IP address.
4. Restart networking services
If none of the above solutions work, you can try restarting your networking services. This will reset your network configuration and may fix any issues that were causing the “unable to resolve host” error.
To do this, run the following command:
sudo service network-manager restart
After restarting the networking service, try accessing the domain name again.
In conclusion, the “unable to resolve host” error is a common problem for Linux users, but it can be resolved. By checking your internet connection, DNS configuration, hosts file, or restarting your networking services, you can fix the issue and get back to browsing the web.