How to Delete Apps on an Android Phone

With the increasing number of apps that we download on our Android phones, it’s not surprising to find ourselves with a cluttered screen or phone storage. These apps may have been useful at some point, but they might no longer serve their purpose or have become outdated, and it’s time to let go.
Fortunately, deleting apps on Android phones is easy, and it won’t take you more than a few seconds to remove any app you no longer need. This article will guide you on how to delete apps on an Android phone.
Step 1: Locate the App Icon
To start, locate the app icon you want to delete on the home screen or app drawer of your Android phone. You can swipe through the pages or use the search bar to find the app. If you’re unable to locate it on the home screen, tap the ‘Apps’ icon, which should open the list of the apps installed on your phone.
Step 2: Press and Hold the App Icon
Once you have located the app you want to delete, press and hold its icon for a few seconds. You will notice that the icon becomes slightly larger and movable. You might also see a pop-up menu at the top of the screen, displaying options like ‘App info,’ ‘Uninstall,’ or ‘Remove from the home screen.’
Step 3: Drag the Icon to the ‘Uninstall’ or ‘Remove’ Option
Next, drag the app icon towards the ‘Uninstall’ or ‘Remove’ option. Different Android devices and versions may have slightly different methods. Some devices may require you to hold and drag the app icon to the ‘App info’ option and tap ‘Uninstall’.
Step 4: Confirm App Deletion
After dragging the app icon towards the ‘Uninstall’ or ‘Remove’ option, release the icon and confirm that you want to delete the app by tapping on ‘Ok’ or ‘Uninstall.’ Your phone will then automatically remove the app from your device, freeing up space in your storage.
Bear in mind that some default Android system apps or those installed by the manufacturer may not allow for deletion. Still, you can disable or deactivate them to free up space and reduce their influence on your device’s performance.
In conclusion, deleting apps on Android phones is simple and straightforward, and it helps you manage your phone storage and prioritize essential apps. Additionally, you can also delete multiple apps at once by following the above steps on multiple app icons. Nevertheless, check your device’s specific instructions or consult your manufacturer’s guidelines if you encounter any challenges in deleting an app.