How to Change a Login Picture on Mac

Changing your login picture on a Mac is a straightforward procedure that only takes a few minutes. This article will walk you through the process step by step.
Step 1: Select a new picture
The first step is to choose a new picture that you want to use for your login picture. You can use any JPG, PNG, or GIF image that you have on your Mac. The image needs to have a square aspect ratio to fit in the circular frame that displays on the login screen.
Step 2: Open the Users & Groups preference pane
Click on the Apple menu in the upper-left corner of your screen, and select System Preferences. Then click on Users & Groups.
Step 3: Authenticate
If the padlock icon in the lower-left corner of the Users & Groups preference pane is locked, click on it to unlock it. You’ll need to enter an administrator username and password to unlock it.
Step 4: Select the login picture
Now, click on the current login picture to select it. You’ll see that the picture has a blue border around it.
Step 5: Choose the new picture
Click on the “Edit” button (it may be labeled differently depending on your version of MacOS) below the login picture. Select “Choose a Custom Picture” from the dropdown menu.
Step 6: Select the new picture
Browse your mac for the image that you want to use, select it, and click on the “Choose” button.
Step 7: Save the changes
Now you’ll see a preview of your new login picture. If you’re happy with it, simply click on the “Save” button to save the changes.
And that’s it! The next time you log out of your Mac or restart it, you’ll see your new login picture displayed on the login screen.
It’s a good idea to change your login picture every once in a while to keep things fresh and make sure that it reflects your personality. With these simple steps, you can easily customize your Mac and give it a personal touch.