How Educators Are Exploiting Innovation to Keep Students Engaged Remotely

As Covid-19 takes over education, and as everything we once knew as traditional education is changed so quickly into remote studies and eLearning, teachers are scrambling for ways to keep their students engaged. Several great ideas are wandering around out there, but all-in-all, most of the wonderful ideas have to do with educators exploiting innovation to keep students engaged remotely. So how do they do it?
What Are Educational Innovations?
Genuine educational innovations are the processes, products, approaches, and strategies that significantly improve upon the status quo. Most of these educational innovations, in particular, are the technological innovations, and technological innovations are considerably impacting the educational system. Teaching aids, online courses, social network tools, educational software, and other emerging and new technologies are changing the school environment as we know it.
What Innovations Are There and How Are They Being Used?
There are several technological innovations for education. The top six are listed below.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Teachers use AI and machine learning every day when they use Learning Management Systems to input grades and such into the system. Students use them when they take online courses that are self-grading.
Virtual Reality (VR)
Teachers use VR to bring the environment to the students. Using VR, the medical student can perform surgeries in the safety of the classroom. The average seventh-grader can dissect a frog without handling a blade or touching a reptile at all. A Kindergartener can go to Africa and never leave his teacher’s side.
3D Printing
Using 3D printing, students can build the architecture that they create. They can see their work come to life.
Using Biometrics in the Schools
Biometrics has changed the way we see identification. The traditional methods of flashing your ID or driver’s license are becoming obsolete in many businesses and schools. Instead, businesses and schools are using biometrics, which is both efficient and secure. They are used in schools in multiple facets, such as student registration, attendance, academics, and security.
Cloud Computing in the Classrooms
Cloud computing helps administrators, teachers, and students. Administrators can save money on data storage while they collaborate with each other. Teachers can instantly upload any learning materials they create from wherever they are as long as they have an internet connection. Students can get into the cloud and easily and quickly access their homework from anywhere with internet access.
Social Media for Education
Using social media, students can get more information on the topics they’re studying, connect with groups that focus on those topics, and connect with other convenient educational systems. It’s often more convenient and simpler to provide information, access information, and communicate through social media. Thus, social network tools allow educators and students to both use social media to improve the methods they use in their teaching and learning.
As you can see, students must be engaged if they are going to learn and retain the information effectively. The best way to engage a remote learner is to exploit innovation. So take a cue from other educators, and use the educational innovations to engage your own students!