Gym etiquette for newbies: Don’t break these 10 important rules

1. Respect Others’ Personal Space: Gyms can get crowded, but that doesn’t mean you should invade someone’s personal space. Always maintain a reasonable distance from other gym-goers, especially when they’re performing exercises or using equipment.
2. Wipe Down Equipment: It’s no secret that gyms harbor germs. To prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses, make a habit of wiping down equipment before and after use with the provided disinfectant wipes or spray.
3. Use Headphones: If you enjoy listening to music during your workout, make sure to bring your headphones. Playing music out loud can be distracting and even bothersome to other gym members.
4. Don’t Hog the Equipment: If you notice someone waiting to use a machine or piece of equipment, don’t continue using it unnecessarily for extended periods of time. Finish your sets and reps in a reasonable time frame and allow others to have their turn.
5. Put Weights Back: After finishing with your weights, always put them back in their designated storage area. Leaving weights lying around not only creates trip hazards but also makes it difficult for others to find the equipment they need.
6. Avoid Unsolicited Advice: While you may have good intentions, offering unsolicited advice can come off as rude and unwelcome. If someone asks for help or advice, then feel free to share your knowledge – otherwise, focus on your own workout.
7. Respect the Time Limit on Cardio Machines: During peak hours, many gyms have time limits on cardio machines like treadmills and ellipticals. Make sure to adhere to these limits so everyone gets a chance to use the machines.
8. Keep Excessive Noise Down: Grunting, dropping weights loudly – these actions are disruptive and can be off-putting to others trying to concentrate on their workouts. Try to minimize excessive noise and be mindful of the tone you set in the gym environment.
9. Dress Appropriately: Remember, you’re in a public space, so be sure to wear clean, comfortable, and appropriate gym attire. Save revealing clothing for the beach or club – not the gym.
10. Be Kind and Courteous: Above all else, remember that everyone at the gym is there with their own fitness journey and goals. Treat others with kindness, respect, and courtesy, which will ultimately create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.
Following these ten important gym etiquette rules will ensure that both you and your fellow gym-goers have an enjoyable and comfortable workout experience. Happy training!