Great Education Leaders Stick to Their Strengths

You will constantly be acquiring new abilities as an educational leader, but most of those skills will not be your strong points. Rather than attempting to be an expert in numerous abilities, concentrate your efforts on those you are particularly strong at. These are your assets, and consequently, they are the ones that will provide you with the most pleasure and prosperity.
The Truth about Focusing on Your Weaknesses
It’s OK to maintain cultivating skills you don’t have, but remember that you will never be an expert on them no matter how hard you try. This is because you are functioning beyond your abilities rather than within them. Accept your weaknesses when it comes to things beyond your competence and outsources these tasks to others who are skilled in those areas. Your school or school district will achieve new heights due to your acting in your abilities.
On the other hand, be certain that all of your leaders, instructors, and employees focus on their areas of expertise. If not, your company is only working at a portion of its capability since your employees’ roles and duties do not match their true abilities. These abilities are sometimes identified during the interview process, and sometimes they are identified in work. Altering the way people are assigned to their jobs may be a game-changer.
A Little Homework
Spend 75 per cent of your professional learning time over the next month honing your strengths and 25 per cent of your time improving your weaknesses. What do you observe after a month? If I’m right, your talents in your weak areas will remain static. However, you will see that the abilities associated with your fields of expertise improve rapidly. It will be the most rapid increase you have ever witnessed in a single month.