Gory Sites to Get Your Dose of Cheesy Horror

As a horror fan, there are times when you just want to indulge in the cheesiest, goriest horror possible. Luckily, there are plenty of sites out there that cater to this very desire. From over-the-top slashers to gross-out creature features, these sites are the go-to destination for horror fans looking for a good laugh and a bloody good time.
First up is the aptly named Gory Gory Hallelujah. This site is a treasure trove of obscure horror films, with a focus on the goriest and most ridiculous offerings available. From Japanese splatter flicks to low-budget American slashers, Gory Gory Hallelujah has it all. The site also features reviews and recommendations from fellow horror fans, making it a great place to discover new and obscure films.
If you’re looking for something a little more focused on the creature feature side of horror, look no further than Bloody Disgusting. This site features everything from classic monster movies to modern creature features with high production values. The site also features news and reviews of upcoming horror films, making it a great place to stay up-to-date on the latest releases in the genre.
For those who want their horror with a side of camp, HorrorNews.net is a great choice. This site features reviews, news, and interviews with filmmakers in the horror community, but with a focus on the cheesiest and most over-the-top offerings. From cheesy slashers to schlocky creature features, HorrorNews.net has something for everyone who loves the so-bad-it’s-good side of horror.
Finally, for the truly adventurous, there’s the aptly named Banned Horror Movies. As the name suggests, this site is focused on the most controversial and shocking horror films ever made, many of which have been banned in various countries. From Italian giallo classics to gruesome exploitation flicks, Banned Horror Movies is not for the faint of heart. But if you’re looking for the most extreme horror out there, this is the site for you.