Google Classroom Tip #46: Create a Student Centered Classroom

Are you looking to create a student centered classroom, but don’t have the budget to so? Why don’t you use Google Classroom? In today’s tip, we will discuss how Google Classroom can be used to create a student centered classroom.
- Student-Centered Classroom – Step back and let your students lead by creating lessons and assignments which put the students at the center of attention instead of the teacher.
- Student-Created Assessments – Allow students to create assessments using Google Docs or Google Forms.
- Student-Created Docs, Forms, Slides, etc. – Put learning into your students’ hands by allowing them the freedom to create Google Docs, Forms, Slides, or Drawings. Google Tools are student-friendly and are wholly integrated with Classroom.
- Student-Created Rubrics – Provide students the opportunity to create rubrics for class projects or papers.
- Student-Created Word Problems – Have students create word problems in Google Docs, or Google Slides to present to the class.
- Student e-Portfolios – Students can create their own Classroom to use as an e-Portfolio of their best work in each subject area which can be useful when applying for college or jobs.
- Student Excuse Submission – Create a Google Form which allows parents to upload a picture of excuses for absences. Originals can be verified once a student returns to school.
- Student Introductions – Allow students to create a video or presentation with Google Slides to introduce themselves to classmates.
- Student Projects – Have students complete a project and upload artifacts.
- Student Reviews – Have students create reviews for themselves or group members using collaborative Google documents.
- Connected Learning – Classroom can be used to facilitate connected learning, a form of personalized learning where a person pursues something of interest to them, with the aid of a caring support system.
- Connected Learning – Classroom can be used to facilitate connected learning, a form of personalized learning where a person pursues something of interest to them, with the aid of a caring support system.
- Elections – Conduct elections for student government, Homecoming Court, or other voting-based activities using Google Forms and send to students or faculty through Classroom.
- Google Keep – Encourage students to utilize Google Keep to keep track of resources and relevant websites.
- Independent Study – Create Classrooms for high school or college students who are taking a course as independent study.
- Interest Surveys – Create interest surveys for class projects, school activities, or any other topic you need.
- Learning Stations – Develop learning stations for students and upload related documents to Classroom.
- Multiple Intelligences – Google Classroom makes it easier to cater to various intelligences. Teachers can upload a variety of documents, images, and videos to assignments to assist learners of all types.
- Nominations – Use Classroom and Google Forms to curate nominations for student or teacher awards, class officers, music for dances, etc.
- Polls – Create polls and surveys for students, faculty, or parents with third-party apps or Google Forms.
- Self-Monitoring – Have students monitor long-term learning throughout the grading period, semester, or year.
- Stop Lecturing – With Google Classroom, the interactive options are endless, lessening the need for you to lecture during class. Provide articles, videos, audio files, etc. to replace your standard lectures.
- Track Goals – Have students set goals for themselves and track those goals using a Google Sheet or Doc.
- Voting – Use Google Forms for voting on recess games, snacks, class roles, and any other topic you may want your students to vote on.
Can you think of any additional ways to create a student centered classroom with Google?
Click here to view all of Google Classroom Tips.