Google Classroom Tip #25: Differentiated Instruction

To be a successful teacher, you have to be able to differentiate instruction for all of your students. Doing so helps them to reach their academic potential, as it meets them where they are intellectually and takes them to where they need to go. In this tip, I will list several ways that you can use Google Classroom to differentiate the teaching and learning process.
- Differentiate Assignments – Assign work to individual students or groups of students in Classroom.
- Differentiate by Content – Differentiate by the content in Classroom by providing student choice and additional resources.
- Differentiate by Process – Differentiate by process in Classroom by providing students with tiered activities, varying time constraints, targeting auditory or visual learners, and providing task lists.
- Differentiate by Product – Differentiate by product in Classroom by providing a challenge, variety, or choice or by using a continuum with assignments.
- Differentiate for Environment – Differentiate by environment in Classroom by providing a safe space for students, allowing for individual work preferences, setting clear guidelines, and establishing procedures.
- Differentiate for Struggling Learners – Differentiate for struggling learners in Classroom by adapting lessons to meet the needs and ability level of students.
What did we miss? Can you think of any additional ways that you can use Google Classroom to differentiate the teaching and learning process?
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