Google Classroom Tip #19: Multiple Intelligences
Are you familiar with the term multiple intelligences? If not, it refers to a theory proposed by educational psychologist Howard Gardner, suggesting that certain areas of specialized intelligence become more developed than others. Includes ten distinct areas of intelligence: visual/spatial, mathematical/logical, musical/rhythmic, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalistic and existentialist.
To take this theory one step further, it also suggests that there are multiple ways in which students can demonstrate that they have mastered a particular skill. How can you use this to help your students succeed academically? Give students a choice in how they demonstrate what they know by creating a choice board and uploading it as an assignment.
Choice boards allow students to choose between several assignments, and can be created directly in Classroom, using Google Docs, or with third-party apps. That way, students can choose the assignment that allows them to best articulate their mastery of the material that was taught. Isn’t that what being a teacher is all about?
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