Getting a Job as a Teacher in New Hampshire

Do you want to work as a teacher in the great state of New Hampshire? If that’s the case, you have come to the correct place. A short article on the processes of becoming a teacher in New Hampshire may be found below.
Step 1: Complete a Teacher Preparation Program that has been Approved
Educators must have at least a bachelor’s degree to teach in the United States. In order to get certification in New Hampshire, students must finish a state-approved teacher education program. Although each profession or content area requires certain abilities, New Hampshire has no extra semester-hour necessities. For further information, go to the NH Teacher Certification Standards.
Curriculum and field experiences are the two main components of teacher education programs. Instruction on teaching core skills, pedagogy (the science of teaching), and training students to research, design, and execute learning experiences in their field of study are often included in the curriculum. Field observations, internships, student teaching, or an amalgamation of all three are common field experiences. For further information, visit the New Hampshire Department of Education’s listing of N.H. Accredited Teacher Education Programs.
Step 2: Pass the Requisite Exams
You must complete the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Instructors and the Praxis II: Content Assessment examinations in New Hampshire (s). The Foundations of Learning test is required of teacher education students seeking certification in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Reading and Writing Pedagogy, and Reading and Writing Specialist. The New Hampshire Department of Education Bureau of Training and Certification has further information about obtaining a teaching certificate in New Hampshire.
Step 3: Fill out an application for a teaching credential in New Hampshire.
You are ready to apply for educator certification in New Hampshire if you have fulfilled all of the prerequisites. This can be completed by submitting an Application for a Certification form to a licensing officer at your New Hampshire teacher education program, which verifies that you have finished your teacher training program. Submit your application to the Division of Program Support, Bureau of Credentialing, State of New Hampshire Department of Education, 101 Pleasant St., Concord, NH 03301-3860.