Everything you need to know about evolution items in Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go has revolutionized the way we play mobile games and explore the world. One of its exciting features is the evolution of Pokémon, which requires various items to help your pocket monsters reach their final forms and full potential. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about evolution items in Pokémon Go.
1. What are Evolution Items?
Evolution items are specialized objects used to evolve certain Pokémon species in Pokémon Go. These items work in conjunction with the required number of candies, allowing players to unlock new evolutionary forms of their favorite Pokémon.
2. Types of Evolution Items
There are several types of evolution items available in Pokémon Go:
– Sun Stone: Used to evolve Gloom into Bellossom and Sunkern into Sunflora.
– King’s Rock: Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed and Slowpoke into Slowking.
– Metal Coat: Transforms Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor.
– Dragon Scale: Evolves Seadra into Kingdra.
– Up-Grade: Allows Porygon to evolve into Porygon2.
– Sinnoh Stone: Used to evolve various Gen 4 Pokémon, including Rhydon, Magmar, Electabuzz, and more.
– Unova Stone: Used for Gen 5 Pokémon like Lampent, Pansage, and Pansear, among others.
3. How to Obtain Evolution Items
Players can obtain evolution items primarily through three methods:
a) PokéStops: Spinning PokéStops or Gyms is the most common method for obtaining these items. However, the drop rate for evolution items is rare.
b) Gifts: You have a chance to receive an evolution item when you open a gift from a friend.
c) Weekly Research Breakthrough: Every seventh day of successfully completing daily Field Research tasks, you’ll receive a bundle of rewards, often including at least one evolution item.
d) Special Research: Some Special Research tasks may have evolution items as rewards.
4. How to Use Evolution Items
Using evolution items is a simple process:
a) Select the Pokémon you wish to evolve from your Pokémon storage.
b) Tap the “Evolve” button under the Pokémon’s description. If the required item and enough candies are available, the “Evolve” button will be colored and clickable.
c) Confirm your decision, and your Pokémon will evolve into its new form.
Keep in mind that evolving a Pokémon consumes the evolution item and the necessary candies.
5. Tips for Using Evolution Items
Here are some tips for efficiently using your precious evolution items:
– Save your items for high IV (Individual Value) Pokémon to get the best possible evolved forms.
– Keep an eye on events or updates that may introduce new, evolvable Pokémon species or increased item drops.
– Make sure to coordinate with your friends by sending/receiving gifts regularly to increase the chances of getting evolution items.
In conclusion, evolution items are essential for obtaining some of the most powerful and sought-after Pokémon in Pokémon Go. By familiarizing yourself with these indispensable objects and understanding how to use them effectively, you can become a more skillful trainer and enhance your Pokémon Go experience. So get out there and evolve ’em all!