Encouraging Kindness in Children

You believe your children will grow up to be honest and kind. Unfortunately, that might not happen because children don’t always have the best role models in life. Parents may be a positive influence, but there are many unsavory ones too. Children are constantly surrounded by selfish, cruel, and meanspirited adults, whether it’s at home, what they see on TV, or in society in general.
Parents need to go that extra mile to encourage their children to be kind. While success is an important aspect of a child’s education, their behavior and actions are imperative too. Fortunately, there are lots of simple ways to encourage kindness in your child.
Think Before you Lash Out
When you’re faced with a tough situation, you often say the wrong things and it’s easy for the child to copy that behavior. While you find yourself frustrated, you must stop and choose your words wisely. It’s crucial to speak kind words to encourage your children to do the same. So, avoid negative comments, even when you’re in an emotional situation.
Teach Your Children Gratitude
Please and thank you go a long way. These simple forms of gratitude are things your children should already know, but if not, it’s time to teach them. In a helpful situation, show your gratitude and encourage your children to do the same. It helps your child to become a kind and thoughtful person.
Be Kind to Others
You must set a good example. When you’re a kind-natured person, your children will learn it too because they have a good role model. They will see your example and follow it.
Compliment Others
While you might not give out compliments easily, it’s time you did because it teaches your children about kindness. A simple, thoughtful compliment or comment goes a long way. Children pick up on these things, especially if you praise them positively.
Create a Family Motto
‘Be kind and love everyone.’
A family motto is easy to learn and can inspire kindness. You can create whatever motto you like but make it fun. While you might think creating a family motto is a bit silly, it can be a great way to encourage a child to abide by that saying.
Show your Kindness
Random acts of kindness can inspire a child. You shouldn’t be afraid to do something spontaneous and kind, such as baking a cake for a friend or neighbor.
Be Empathic
Children should learn about compassion and how to be considerate of other people’s feelings. You need to teach them how to foster empathy. It’ll make the child more alert to the needs of others and encourage them to be kind.
Praise the Child When they’re Kind
Children can be thoughtful human beings and make kind gestures to those around them. When your child does a kind or good deed, praise them for it. Let the child know how nice it was of them and how proud you are.
Your community needs volunteers. You can bake cakes at church events or spend a few hours at a shelter, and it will inspire children to be kind. Children can even volunteer their time too.
Read a Book
There’s no harm in reading a book, and there are lots of books to inspire you and your children. While it’s not the most exciting subject to read about, you can learn how to be kind and teach your children a valuable lesson too.
Give your Child Someone to Look Up to
Kindness begins at home. You shouldn’t be afraid to instill values in your child because it teaches them to become a better person. It can make a huge difference in their lives.