Developing Creativity in Your Kids

Kids need to be creative to succeed in the future. According to Carolina A. Miranda, toddlers today need a lot of creative thinking to deal with multiple scenarios, from a landscape of quickly evolving technology to a constantly changing worldwide economy and far-reaching environmental and health challenges. Not sure how you can encourage creativity in your kids? Here are some ways that can help.
Limit Screen Time
An overload of anything is bad, and technology is no exception. Though it brings several benefits, limiting your kid’s screen time will ultimately help them. When your kids have specific screen time limits at home, they’ll have more opportunities to be creative with the things around them. Free play is vital for imagination and creativity, but limitless screen time reduces the chances for free play.
Foster Imagination
Parents should encourage kids to use their imagination regularly to nurture their creativity. You can ask them to look for magic even in the most mundane things and teach them to pretend-play. You could organize a costume trunk to get the kids dressed and become their pretend-play characters. Providing them with creative opportunities for problem-solving, helping them notice how you use your imagination in various aspects of life, sharing some imaginative stories with them, and pretending along with them are other effective ways to encourage creativity.
Get Them Out In Nature
Most creative artists will agree that nature inspires them. This holds true for kids too. You can encourage your kids to walk in and around their backyards to learn about nature. For them, even a simple walk in the woods can be a thrilling escapade. And as they explore their surrounding world freely, the kids will get inspired.
Don’t Be Afraid of Messes
The creative process is messy, and you just need to accept it. If your home lacks a designated space for creative projects, you can set aside some time when your kids create messes freely without the fear of admonishment. Some creative activities you can take up to motivate your kids are cooking, science experiments, and art, all of which are bound to be messy!
Encourage Reading
Books throw open a world of imagination before the kids. You can read aloud to them every day when they’re young, especially stories with fun characters and thrilling adventures. Getting familiar with books will encourage the kids to use their imagination for visualizing the story’s setting, characters, and proceedings and even teach them innovative ways to answer problems.
Get Them Familiarized With the Arts
Make your kids aware of other forms of entertainment beyond the screens by taking them to see musical recitals, dance performances, and plays. Then, you can encourage them to participate in art, theater, or dance classes.
Let them Commit Mistakes
Striving for perfection often kills the fun and flexible elements integral to creativity. Therefore, you should let your kids commit mistakes and not pressurize them with your expectation of perfection. Instead, you can teach them to find the “positives” in their mistakes.
Nurturing creativity in kids starts by recognizing every child’s unique and diverse talents. And irrespective of the level of your kid’s natural talents, you can still foster creativity in their lives.