Cut Your Electric Bills by $100 With This Simple Change

Saving money on electric bills is a top priority for many households. With the rising cost of electricity, it’s no wonder that people are constantly searching for ways to decrease their energy consumption. In this article, we’ll uncover a simple change that you can make in your daily habits to significantly reduce your electricity bills by $100 or more.
Introducing: The Power of Unplugging
One of the easiest ways to save money on your electric bill is by implementing a practice known as “unplugging.” The concept is straightforward – unplug electronic devices and appliances when they’re not in use. While this may seem counterintuitive, many electronics continue to draw electricity even when turned off or left idle, resulting in “phantom loads.” Phantom loads occur when your device drains energy from the outlet while not actively in use.
How does unplugging save you money?
Let’s break down the potential savings. According to the US Department of Energy, vampire power – energy consumed by idle electronics – accounts for 10% or more of your home’s total electricity use. By eliminating phantom loads, you’ll be saving roughly 10% on your electric bill each month. For an average household with an annual spending of $1,200 on electricity, these savings could result in an impressive yearly reduction of $120 in energy costs.
Here are a few practical tips to help you master the art of unplugging:
1. Identify Phantom Loads
Look around your house and identify any electronics that remain plugged in even when not in use. Examples include phone chargers, gaming consoles, coffee makers, and even cable boxes. Take note and create a habit of unplugging them after use.
2. Invest in Smart Power Strips
Smart power strips cut off the power supply to electronics that are turned off or go into standby mode. They automatically monitor each device’s power consumption and eliminate phantom loads, making it easier for you to save on your electric bill.
3. Combine And Conquer
Instead of having multiple electronic devices plugged into different outlets, organize them in a central location and plug them into a single power strip. Through this setup, you can save both time and electricity by only needing to unplug one cord when the devices are not in use.
4. Educate Your Household
Share the importance of cutting back on energy consumption with your roommates or family
members. By working together like a well-oiled machine, you can optimize your daily routine and contribute to overall energy-saving efforts.
Final Thoughts
By adopting the habit of unplugging unused electronics, you can notice a significant reduction in your overall electricity costs. This simple change might not make you rich overnight, but it would help you cut $100 or more from your annual electric expenses. Plus, by using less electricity, you’ll also be doing your part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions – making it a win-win situation for both your wallet and the environment!