Benefits Of Mobile Learning In Distance Education

Mobile learning is becoming extremely popular for many reasons, such as convenience, flexibility, and learning dependence. In fact, in 2019, just over 30 percent of smartphone users claimed to have used their mobile device for some form of online training course.
In this article, we will be discussing a few of the main benefits of mobile learning in distance education.
Most students out there will own their smartphones or mobile devices. This is perfect for distance education as it means that a lot of money can be saved on textbooks and other school supplies, such as computers and laptops.
More so, the school’s infrastructure will decrease, lowering the risk of theft. All examinations or tests can take place virtually – this would save paper and make the work much easier to grade and organize.
As we have already mentioned, most students have access to their smartphones or mobile devices. This makes it the perfect choice for distance education, as most (if not all) students will have the same opportunities for their schoolwork. However, even if a few students do not have access to a mobile device, it will be simple for schools to supply students with a temporary one.
Mobile Features
Mobile devices are great when it comes to distance education for many reasons. They can be taken anywhere, meaning that students can complete their schoolwork whenever and wherever they feel up to it.
Mobile devices also feature push technology – in other words, students will receive notifications and reminders about tasks. More so, the calendar feature on these devices can ensure that students do not miss important deadlines.
There are plenty of apps and tools that can be used to improve mobile learning for both students and teachers. For example, Pedagogue is a new and innovative app that allows teachers to organize and manage their educational materials online. More so, Pedagogue can be used to conduct online classes through its virtual classroom feature.
Mobile learning can save both time and effort when it comes to studying and accessing materials. Seeing as though the content is found on mobile devices, students can access their work at the touch of a button.
Some students can complete work much quicker than others. With mobile learning, students can go through lessons at their own pace and in their own time. This will make studying much less tedious for faster learners and much less pressurized for slower learners.
Concluding Thoughts
There are plenty of benefits when it comes to mobile learning in distance education. For starters, allowing students to use their mobile devices for schoolwork is a cost-effective decision for schools.
More so, most (if not all) students will own a mobile device. These devices also have plenty of unique features that can be used to improve studying for the students. Lastly, using mobile devices for schoolwork will save the students and teachers plenty of time.