Baby Pokemon: Info and tips for Pokemon Go

There’s nothing more adorable than baby Pokémon in Pokémon GO! These tiny creatures offer players a distinct charm and nostalgia as they progress through the game. Baby Pokémon provide a unique gameplay experience and sometimes better chances of having higher stats. This article will explore the world of baby Pokémon in Pokémon GO, outlining essential information and tips for success.
Types of Baby Pokémon
First, let’s take a look at some baby Pokémon available in the game:
1. Pichu (evolves into Pikachu)
2. Togepi (evolves into Togetic)
3. Magby (evolves into Magmar)
4. Elekid (evolves into Electabuzz)
5. Smoochum (evolves into Jynx)
6. Igglybuff (evolves into Jigglypuff)
7. Cleffa (evolves into Clefairy)
8. Tyrogue (evolves into Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop)
9. Azurill (evolves into Marill)
10. Budew (evolves into Roselia)
11. Chingling (evolves into Chimecho)
12. Bonsly (evolves into Sudowoodo)
13. Mime Jr. (evolves into Mr. Mime / Galarian Mr. Mime)
14. Happiny (evolves into Chansey)
15. Munchlax (evolves into Snorlax)
Hatching Baby Pokémon
Baby Pokémon can only be obtained by hatching Eggs in Pokémon GO. The more you walk and incubate eggs, the higher your chances of acquiring these endearing creatures.
Tips for obtaining Baby Pokémon:
1) Hatch as many Eggs as possible: As baby Pokémon are exclusively hatched from Eggs, it is essential to continually hatch Eggs during your gameplay to increase your chances of obtaining one.
2) Use incubators effectively: Make sure to have incubators available and in-use at all times to maximize the number of Eggs hatched. You can acquire additional incubators from leveling up, completing research tasks, or purchasing them from the in-game store.
3) Focus on 2 km, 5 km, and 7 km Eggs: Baby Pokémon typically hatch from these types of Eggs. Make sure to collect and prioritize these as you progress through the game!
4) Consider Adventure Sync: Enabling Adventure Sync in your settings will allow your walking distance to count even when the app is not open, ensuring you hatch Eggs more efficiently.
Baby Pokémon and PvP
While baby Pokémon may not be the most powerful creatures in terms of Combat Power (CP), they can still be valuable assets in PvP battles when used strategically:
1) Utilize unique movesets: Some baby Pokémon possess exclusive moves that their evolved forms may not learn. These moves may provide unexpected advantages against specific opponents.
2) Participate in themed cups: PvP events such as themed cups make use of lower-CP Pokémon, offering baby Pokémon a chance to shine under these specific conditions.
3)Leverage high IVs: Baby Pokémon tend to have better IVs compared to their wild counterparts. These higher stats can offer an advantage in competitive battling by reaching particular breakpoints or bulkpoints.
In conclusion, while baby Pokémon may not reign supreme during intense gym battles or raids, their charm lies in their nostalgia and unique opportunities for gameplay engagement. By understanding how to obtain these cute creatures and utilizing them effectively during PvP battles, players can experience all that baby Pokémon have to offer in Pokémon GO!