Apps and Tools That Will Help You Develop an Individualized Service Plan (ISP)

If you have a child with special needs or you are in need of support services, you are already aware that there are many regulations and guidelines. It can seem overwhelming when you first see or hear about an Individualized Service Plan (ISP). An ISP is a plan for getting an individual the support and services he or she needs.
If your child attends public school, he or she will have an IEP (individualized education plan). However, those children with special needs who attend private schools will need to get an ISP from a local education agency to make sure their needs are met. While there are fewer services for private school students, students with one of 13 disabilities covered in IDEA may be eligible for equitable services.
While different from an IEPs in public schools, it is still greatly beneficial to refer to the tools and resources used for IEPs to help you develop an ISP.
NASET (National Association of Special Education Teachers) has produced this helpful iPhone add to help special education teachers and families understand terminology. When developing an ISP, this is a helpful tool for use in planning and meetings.
Another app designed by NASET is the IEP Goals and Objectives App. The app allows users to build an IEP with goals and objectives, as well as matching up with Common Core Standards. It also includes a list of enrichment activities to achieve goals.
This link is an example of an ISP Quality Review Checklist from New Jersey. It will be a guide to what you should expect when developing an ISP.
The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center has provided this digital IEP checklist for parents and educators to help them develop an individualized education plan. Additionally, the PEATC has a variety of resources for those seeking support with special education.
This website by the state of Kansas is designed to help students with IEPs transition from high school to adulthood successfully. The website can help you develop a transition plan to obtain the right services.
Person-Centered Assessment Tools
The Center for Development and Disability has compiled a list of resources for person-centered assessments. By identifying the strengths, capabilities, needs, and goals, person-centered planning can be used in developing an ISP.
It is important to note that just as ISPs vary from IEPs, state regulations also. As you work on developing the ISP, it is critical to review your state regulations.