Activities to Teach Students to Identify Polygons: Up to 8 Sides

Polygons are closed shapes with three or more straight sides and angles. Identifying polygons can be challenging for some students. However, there are various activities that teachers can use to teach students to identify polygons up to eight sides.
1. Polygons Matching Game:
For this activity, you will need printouts of several polygons with different numbers of sides. Cut out each polygon and its name, and shuffle them well. Have your students match each name to its corresponding polygon. This game is an excellent way to boost problem-solving skills and improve memory.
2. Polygons Concentration Game:
Another fun activity is the polygons concentration game. Create a set of cards with polygons, and another set with their respective names. Shuffle the cards and spread them out on a table. Have your students try to match each polygon with its corresponding name by turning over two cards at a time. The aim is to turn over as many matching pairs as possible.
3. Polygon Sort:
For this activity, you need to prepare a set of polygons with different numbers of sides. Ask your students to sort them based on the number of their sides. For younger students, you can provide templates for each polygon, and they can cut out and paste them in the appropriate category. Older students can draw their polygons and sort them accordingly.
4. Polygon Scavenger Hunt:
A scavenger hunt is a fun and interactive way to teach polygons. Hide several polygons around the classroom or school compound, and give students a set of clues to find them. Once they find a polygon, they should identify its name, the number of sides, and angles.
5. Polygon Bingo:
Polygon Bingo is another fun way to teach students to identify polygons. Create bingo cards with different polygons arranged in different orders. Each student gets one bingo card, and the teacher calls out named polygons for the students to identify. The first student to complete a line of identified polygons wins the round.
In conclusion, teaching students to identify polygons can be fun and engaging using the activities mentioned above. Exposing them to a variety of activities ensures that the material is understood, and the knowledge is retained for years to come.