Activities to Teach Students to Identify Fixed and Variable Expenses

Budgeting is a life skill that everyone should learn, and it is particularly useful for students who are starting to take on more financial responsibilities. One of the most important budgeting concepts is the difference between fixed and variable expenses. Fixed expenses are recurring expenses that stay the same each month, such as rent, a car payment, or a phone bill. Variable expenses are those that fluctuate in cost each month, such as groceries or entertainment. Teaching students to identify and categorize their expenses can help them gain a better understanding of their finances and make more informed financial decisions.
Here are some activities to help teach students to identify fixed and variable expenses:
1. Create a budgeting game:
In groups of four to five, give students a hypothetical budget for a month and a list of expenses that they need to pay. These expenses should include both fixed and variable expenses. Have students work together to figure out how they can allocate their budget to pay for all their expenses. For example, they might have to choose between spending more on groceries or entertainment. This activity not only helps students identify different types of expenses but also teaches them to prioritize and make choices.
2. Design a money chart:
Have students create a chart of their monthly expenses. Label one column as “fixed expenses” and another column as “variable expenses.” Ask students to brainstorm common expenses in each category and write them in the appropriate column. Encourage them to add more items as they think of them. Display the charts in the classroom or on a bulletin board to remind students about different types of expenses.
3. Play a sorting game:
Create a pile of cards with different expenses written on them. Some expenses should be fixed (e.g., rent, internet bill), while others should be variable (e.g., dining out, shopping). Give each student a few cards and have them sort them into two piles, one for fixed expenses and one for variable expenses. Discuss as a class how certain expenses might be harder to categorize, such as electricity bills or car repairs.
4. Keep a spending diary:
For a week or two, encourage students to track all their expenses, including small purchases like snacks or drinks. Ask them to note whether each expense is a fixed or variable expense. At the end of the week, have students tally up their total expenses and compare them with their budget. This activity can help students realize how quickly variable expenses can add up and how important it is to budget for them.
By engaging in these activities, students can learn to differentiate between fixed and variable expenses, categorize their monthly expenses, and create a more accurate budget. These skills will not only help them in the present but also serve them well in the future when they need to make financial decisions.