8 Basic Google Sheets Tips Every Teacher Should Know About

Google provides a lot of useful programs for teachers, but not everyone understands just how to use them. There are a lot of hidden features available for teachers, particularly when it comes to Google Sheets. Understanding how to use these features and apply them in the classroom is essential to help you create better documents in less time.
To get you started, here are eight of the most basic Google Sheets tips that every teacher should know about.
While editing a cell, you can insert a line break to help organize your text better. All you have to do is make sure that your cursor is in the cell, ready to type. Press Ctrl+Enter to move to the next line without changing cells.
Do you need to combine cells in the spreadsheet? You can merge cells both vertically and horizontally. Simply highlight all of the cells you plan to combine and then click merge on the toolbar. There should be a drop-down menu that will give you additional options.
Freeze or Unfreeze Columns and Rows
If you want to see a certain row or column while you scroll, you need to freeze it in place. Highlight the row or column that you would like to freeze. Click “view” and then “freeze or unfreeze.” It might also give you an option to select how many rows or columns you want to freeze in place.
You can customize your own chart or graph to add to the document with the data you added on the spreadsheet. Highlight all of the data you want to be included in your chart. Under the “insert” tab, you will find a separate option for “chart.” Teachers can choose the type of chart they want under the recommendations tab. Edit the display and the chart itself under the customization chart before you click “insert.”
Do you want to avoid doing all of the math with your data? You can enter a formula to keep you from pulling out the calculator. In a cell, you can type in the equal sign with the function you want to use. This should prompt a separate help box to pop up that gives you the list of available functions, the wording for each function, and an example of how to use it.
If you want to wrap the text in your spreadsheet, select the cell. You can click on the format tab to bring up a list of options. Select text wrapping and then click “wrap.” Follow the same steps to turn it off but select a different final option.
Are you afraid someone will edit your spreadsheet? Protect it with this nifty tip. Open up your spreadsheet and head to the data tab. You should see an option for protected sheets and ranges. A separate box will appear after you click here, asking if you want to add a sheet or range to your protection. Select the appropriate options and finish by following the prompts to set permissions or change permissions. Click save or done when you are finished.
Start by highlighting the data you want to convert to a specific date or time formula. Then, you will need to head to the format tab and click on “number.” There will be another option for “more formats” and then “more date and time formats.” Find the option that you want or set your own custom date and time format into the search box. Click apply to make it stick.