4 Tips for Rocking your Classroom with Video Learning

Many have complained that out of all the facets of our lives that have advanced through technology, education has lagged. This is most tragic, as our society’s education sector can be significantly overhauled with the use of technology, making it easier for our children to better access and take in greater volumes of information.
In particular, video learning is a great way to enhance classroom learning by providing students with other options to learn and gain knowledge. The traditional classroom environment is not always ideal for children, more so today, thanks to the ever-changing needs of our children. To make learning as accessible as possible to give our children the best future possible, we need to take advantage of all opportunities we can.
Interactive Video Assessments for Positive Student Outcomes
Do you want to create positive student outcomes for your learners? Try using interactive video assessments. Essentially, they allow you to embed assessment questions within a video. If you are looking for the perfect solution to use to create your interactive assessments, consider using our new social media network for teachers, Pedagogue. Pedagogue gives educators the power to create, share and reuse interactive learning experiences and assessments while leveraging over 30 learning content templates. The best part about it is that it is free.
Its interactive video content type allows you to add multiple choice and fill in the blank questions, pop-up text, and other interactions to videos using only a web browser. You can even configure the video to rewind to a previous point in the video if the student gets a question wrong. If they get it right, you can configure the video to start playback at the exact moment the student left off at.
Below you will find a video in which I walk you through the steps of creating an interactive learning activity with Pedagogue.
Video Feedback for Improving Learning Experiences
While many teachers may object to being filmed as they teach in the classroom, feeling it’s an invasion of privacy and their teaching methods, it does far more good than bad in the long run. A report from Harvard University found that recorded lessons from a teacher improve the lesson overall, allowing students to take the initiative and learn at their own pace.
The Insight Education Group has a company arm known as ADVANCEfeedback, which helps streamline this process by introducing modern technology into the classroom that helps with video observations. Coupled with another tool known as Insightfeedback, teachers will create a professional and technical teaching environment.
Video Learning for Practical Subjects
There is no single class that cannot benefit from introducing the right technology. Still, more practical subjects such as the sciences end up gaining some significant benefits from the use of video technology in classes.
Using chemistry classes as an example, using pre-recording lessons could help streamline the class by having a consistent set of instructions that every class has access to, ensuring that there are no human errors on the teachers’ parts when it comes to explaining experiments. It also means every student has access to the same source, making it fairer across classes.
Additionally, the school can save money on materials as the experiment need only be conducted once for the video and never again. This also allows the teacher to be free to help the students while the video plays.
Videos as an Additional Resource
We cannot stress enough that videos aren’t used as a replacement for teachers or as a scapegoat, but rather as a teaching aid. Videos help as a fantastic tool for explaining abstract concepts, as it helps visualize ideas for students that may have difficulty grasping these concepts otherwise. There are plenty of tools that could help, such as those mentioned here, that could help ensure your students understand.
There is no denying that the current educational world is still lagging compared to other sectors of society regarding technological advancements and integration. However, there have been some notable changes within the last few years, and we only hope that some of the tips in this article have opened some eyes. For more articles on technology and education, click here.