19 questions you might be asking after seeing ‘Steve Jobs’

1. How much of the movie is based on real events?
2. What was Jobs’ relationship with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak like?
3. How much artistic license was taken in the portrayal of key figures and events in the film?
4. To what extent did Jobs struggle with his daughter Lisa’s paternity claims in reality?
5. What was the real story behind Jobs’ ousting from Apple in 1985?
6. Did Jobs and John Sculley, the former Apple CEO, really have a strong bond before their relationship deteriorated?
7. How accurate is the portrayal of Jobs’ perfectionism and harsh behavior towards co workers in the film?
8. What led to Steve Jobs’ return to Apple, and what was his initial reaction upon returning?
9. Were there any significant aspects of Jobs’ personal life that were left out of the film?
10. How much input did key figures, such as Steve Wozniak and John Sculley, have in the making of the film?
11. What was Steve Jobs’ relationship with Joanna Hoffman, his top assistant played by Kate Winslet, like in reality?
12. Were there any corporate changes or product launches that were omitted from the film for narrative reasons?
13. How successful was NeXT, the company Steve Jobs founded after leaving Apple, and how is it portrayed in the film?
14. What impact did Steve Jobs’ work at Pixar have on his personal brand and corporate image?
15. To what degree did Danny Boyle’s directorial style influence the presentation of events and character portrayal throughout the movie?
16. How has public opinion on Steve Jobs changed since his death and subsequent biographies and films, including this one?
17. Were there any notable disagreements or differences between Walter Isaacson’s biography “Steve Jobs” (on which this film was largely based) and the on-screen portrayal?
18. Which products or inventions not mentioned in the film also played an important role in shaping Steve Jobs’ legacy?
19. How do members of the current Apple leadership feel about the movie and its impact on Steve Jobs’ public image?