10 Insanely Weird Wikipedia Articles You Should Read

Wikipedia is a treasure trove of information covering a range of topics, from science and technology to history and culture. However, it is not just the serious, informative articles that make this online encyclopedia so intriguing. Delving deeper into its pages, we find a world of weird and wonderful articles that are both bizarre and entertaining. Here are 10 insanely weird Wikipedia articles you should read.
1. Haggis Hurling: This Scottish sport involves throwing a haggis, a traditional Scottish dish made from sheep’s organs and oatmeal, as far as possible. It is typically held at Highland Games and has been recognized as a sport since 1977.
2. Coffin Birth: This phenomenon occurs when a pregnant woman dies and the gas produced by the body causes the fetus to be expelled from the womb postmortem.
3. The Great Stink: In 1858, London’s Thames River was so polluted with raw sewage that it caused a stench so unbearable it led to the closure of Parliament.
4. Mike the Headless Chicken: A rooster named Mike survived for 18 months after its head had been cut off, due to the fact that the ax had missed its brain stem.
5. Black Chicken: This rare breed of chicken is entirely black, including its bones and internal organs.
6. The Turducken: A dish made by stuffing a deboned chicken inside a deboned duck, then stuffing that inside a deboned turkey. It is typically served during Thanksgiving in the United States.
7. The Taured Mystery: A strange tale of a man who arrived in Tokyo claiming to be from the country of Taured, which was not recognized by officials and seemingly didn’t exist.
8. The Tunguska Event: A mysterious explosion that occurred in Siberia in 1908, which flattened trees and caused seismic waves, but had no recorded injuries or deaths.
9. Cotard Delusion: A rare psychological disorder where the sufferer believes themselves to be dead or that their organs have stopped working.
10. Koro: A cultural syndrome found mostly in East and Southeast Asia where men believe their genitals are shrinking or retracting into their bodies, leading to panic and sometimes even suicide.
These are just a few examples of the weird and wonderful articles that can be found on Wikipedia. Whether it’s learning about strange cultural phenomena or bizarre scientific occurrences, there’s always something to discover. So the next time you find yourself browsing through Wikipedia, don’t be afraid to venture into the stranger corners of the site, you never know what you may find.