10 Edtech Tools for the Flipped Classroom

The traditional model of teachers lecturing in the classroom and students completing practice and homework on their own is changing. Instead, students are learning on their own and using the classroom as a place to dig more deeply into what they’ve learned. This model, known as the flipped classroom, is gaining popularity thanks to the rise of EdTech.
How does the flipped classroom work? Students watch lecture videos or complete readings at home. The following day in class, the teacher clarifies anything students didn’t understand. Students then collaborate with the information to answer questions, complete projects and do other activities that used to be reserved for homework.
The flipped classroom provides benefits for students and teachers alike. Teachers spend more time helping students with the content they don’t understand. This means more one-on-one help for students and less time listening to boring lectures in class.
How can you establish a flipped classroom? Thankfully there are tons of edtech tools that will do the heavy lifting for you, and also walk you through the process. In this article, we will discuss 10 edtech tools that are perfect for the flipped classroom.
Allows you to create interactive videos for your flipped classroom.
Create excellent videos for your flipped classroom. Comes with amazing editing tools.
Screen recording tool that creates dynamic videos for the flipped classroom.
Develop basic videos for your class. Unfortunately, it does not allow you to create interactive videos.
Allows you to elicit feedback from the students in your flipped classroom. Easy to use.
Allows you to create dynamic presentations and assessments for your flipped classroom.
Amazing science videos that would be perfect for the flipped classroom.
Adaptive math resources for flipped or blended classrooms.
Premade educational videos that can be used as supplemental instruction.
Presentations and lectures that can serve as supplemental instruction.
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