What Your Child Should Be Learning in PreK
During the preschool years, kids are like sponges, learning new skills daily. As a result, enrolling your brain-ready youngster in preschool is a good move. Furthermore, several studies have found that children who attend preschool have a head start on their peers when they enter elementary school.
According to the USDOE, “Studies also show that involvement in high-quality early learning can enhance kids’ educational performance and incomes later in life.” Kids who attend high-quality preschool programs are less likely to use special education services or be retained in their grades, and they are more likely to graduate from high school, continue to college, and succeed in life and their careers than those who do not attend high-quality preschool programs.”
However, not all preschool programs are of high quality. As a result, it is essential to select a preschool program where your child will gain the necessary skills for future school success. Let’s look at the most critical preschool skills your child should be learning.
- Make a Friend
Preschool is the time when a youngster learns how to be a good friend. Preschool is often one of the first key social encounters for many children. Children will learn to share and take turns with one another. Your youngster should also start engaging in imaginative play with others. During their first year of school, children learn to be kind to one another and to deal with disagreements.
- An Overview of Numbers
Preschoolers will also start counting. Because these are early counting abilities, you should only anticipate your youngster to be able to count to 10. However, this also means that your youngster will learn to count items rather than simply repeating the numbers one through ten.
- An Overview of Colors and Shapes
During the preschool year, your child should have mastered the primary colors and shapes. Preschool teachers will work hard to help children differentiate between the colors of the rainbow and the forms in the classroom.
- Letters: An Introduction
Your child will be introduced to letters at a four-year-old preschool. Your youngster should learn to say and recognize the letters of the alphabet. Your youngster may even be able to spell their name by the end of the school year. Encourage your youngster to notice letters throughout the day and in your home to help them master the alphabet. Books like Chicka Chicka Boom Boom are also excellent for reinforcing this ability.
- Utilize Writing Instruments
Many preschool parents are surprised to learn that their children will be expected to use writing tools by the end of the school year. If scissors are forbidden in your home, you may be surprised to hear that preschool educators are testing your child’s fine motor abilities when it comes to cutting. Furthermore, while your child will be scribbling for the majority of the year, you should expect your child to start learning to draw circles and write some letters.
As you seek a high-quality preschool, keep in mind that research has shown that children of this age learn best via play. While the aforementioned abilities must be taught, they must be taught joyfully and playfully.