How to Create Simple 3D Text in Adobe Photoshop
Creating 3D text has become a common practice when it comes to graphic design. It adds depth and dimension to the text, making the design more eye-catching and engaging. Thanks to Adobe Photoshop, creating 3D text has become easier and accessible to anyone.
In this article, we will guide you on how to create simple 3D text in Adobe Photoshop.
Step 1: Creating a new document
First, open Adobe Photoshop and create a new document. Go to File > New or press Ctrl + N (Windows) or Command + N (Mac). Choose the size and resolution of your document according to your needs.
Step 2: Adding text
Select the Type tool from the toolbar (shortcut T) and type your text. Choose a font and size that suits your design. For this tutorial, we will use the font “Impact.”
Step 3: Converting text to a 3D layer
Once you have typed your text, convert it into a 3D layer. To do this, go to 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer. You will notice that your text has now turned into a 3D layer, and a 3D panel will open.
Step 4: Customizing the 3D text
From the 3D panel, you can customize your 3D text. You can change the extrusion depth, rotate the text, change the lighting, and more.
To change the extrusion depth, click on the 3D layer in the Layers panel and go to the Properties panel. In the Extrusion section, adjust the Depth slider to increase or decrease the extrusion.
To rotate the text, click on the 3D layer and use the 3D Axis tool from the toolbar to adjust the X, Y, and Z axes.
To change the lighting, go to the Properties panel and select the Infinite Light option. From there, you can adjust the light’s angle, intensity, and color.
Step 5: Applying textures and materials
You can also apply textures and materials to your 3D text to give it a more realistic look. To do this, go to the Materials panel and select the 3D text layer. From there, you can choose from the default textures and materials or create your own.
To create your own texture or material, click on the Diffuse texture icon and select New Texture. From there, you can choose an image or gradient to apply to the text.
Step 6: Final touches
Once you are happy with the 3D text, you can add some final touches to your design. You can add a background, adjust the lighting, and add some effects.
To add a background, create a new layer below the 3D text layer and fill it with a color or gradient.
To adjust the lighting, go to the Properties panel and select the Infinite Light option. From there, you can adjust the light’s angle, intensity, and color.
To add some effects, you can apply filters, adjust the levels, or add some text effects.
Creating 3D text in Adobe Photoshop is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your designs. By following these steps, you can create simple 3D text and customize it according to your needs. With Adobe Photoshop, the possibilities are endless.