How to Check Your Play Time on Nintendo Switch Games

As an avid Nintendo Switch gamer, it’s important to keep track of your playtime for a number of reasons. You might want to know how long it takes you to finish a particular game, how much time you’re spending on a particular title, or maybe even to set goals for how many hours in a week you’ll devote to playing. Whatever your reasons, learning how to check your playtime on Nintendo Switch games is easy and will help you better manage your game time.
Here are a few different methods to check your playtime on Nintendo Switch games:
Method 1: Your Profile
The first method to check your playtime is to go to your profile on the Nintendo Switch. Here’s how:
1. Navigate to the home screen of your Nintendo Switch.
2. Click on your user profile icon located at the top-left corner of the screen.
3. Navigate to the top-right corner and click on the user icon.
4. Scroll down to the bottom of your profile page to the “Play Activity” option. This will give you a summary of your total game playtime, along with the number of days you’ve been logging in.
5. Click on a specific game title to see more information about that game’s playtime. You’ll be able to see how many hours you’ve put into the game, as well as when you last played it.
Method 2: Game’s Software Icon
You can also check your playtime using the game’s software icon. Here’s how:
1. Navigate to the home screen of your Nintendo Switch and look for the game’s software icon you want to check.
2. Click on the game’s software icon to bring up its page.
3. Scroll down the page until you come across the “Play Information” section. You’ll find the game time counter at the bottom of this section.
4. Click on the game time counter to see more information about your playtime. Here, you’ll be able to see the total amount of time you’ve spent on the game, including how many hours you’ve played in each play session.
Method 3: Playtime Management
If you want to set a time limit on your game playing, or if you want your Switch to remind you how long you’ve been playing a specific game, you can use the Playtime Management feature. Here’s how:
1. Navigate to the “System Settings” option on your Switch’s home screen.
2. Scroll down to the “Parental Controls” option and click on it.
3. Select “Set Parental Controls.”
4. Follow the on-screen prompts to set up your Playtime Management settings.
Now your Switch will remind you when you’ve been playing your game for a set amount of time.
Checking your Nintendo Switch game playtime is an easy way to keep track of your gaming habits and to monitor how much time you’re dedicating to each game. By following the above-mentioned methods, you’ll be able to check your playtime, set goals and parents can control the playing time of their children too. So, track your playtime and happy gaming!